{{Infobox cyclist
| ridername      = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
| image          = 
| image_size     = 
| image_caption  = 
| fullname       = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
| nickname       = 
| birth_date     = {{birth date and age|df=yes|}}
| birth_place    = 
| height         = 
| weight         = 
| currentteam    = 
| discipline     = 
| role           = Rider
| ridertype      = 
| amateuryears   = 
| amateurteams   = 
| proyears       = 
| proteams       = 
| majorwins      = 
| medaltemplates =
{{MedalCountry| {{}} }} 
{{MedalSport| [[]] }}
{{MedalCompetition|Olympic Games}}
{{MedalCompetition|[[UCI Track Cycling World Championships|World Championships]]}}
{{MedalCompetition|[[UCI Road World Championships|World Championships]]}}
{{MedalCompetition|[[UCI Cyclo-cross World Championships|World Championships]]}}
| show-medals    = yes
| updated        = {{subst:CURRENTDAY}} {{subst:CURRENTMONTHNAME}} {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}

'''{{subst:PAGENAME}}''' (born in) is a [[]] .

== Career achievements ==

{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Date !! Placing  !! Event !!Competition !! Location !! Country
|{{dts|format=dmy|}} ||  || <ref group="N">The other riders on the squad were ...</ref> || || ||

== External links ==
*{{cycling archives|}}

[[Category:xxx births]]
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:xxx cyclists]]
[[Category:People from xxx]]


{{WikiProject Biography|living=yes|class=stub|sports-work-group=yes|listas=, |needs-photo=yes}}
{{WikiProject |class=stub}}
{{WikiProject Cycling|class=stub}}
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