This user contributed to Veropedia.

Articles I've created or significantly contributed to:

  1. Abraham McClellan
  2. Abram Poindexter Maury
  3. Adam Dread
  4. Adam Huntsman
  5. Adam Rankin Alexander
  6. Albert Galiton Watkins
  7. Alvan Cullom
  8. Amanda McClendon
  9. Andrew Ewing
  10. Andrew Jackson Clements
  11. Andrey Denisov
  12. Andrzej Tomasz Zapałowski
  13. Anne Begg
  14. Assistant Secretary of Energy for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
  15. Assistant Secretary of Energy for Fossil Energy
  16. Assistant Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Energy
  17. Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and Housing
  18. Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing
  19. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs
  20. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
  21. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs
  22. Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
  23. Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs
  24. Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation
  25. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs
  26. Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs
  27. Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs
  28. Assistant Secretary of State for Verification, Compliance, and Implementation
  29. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs
  30. Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Aviation and International Affairs
  31. Augustus Herman Pettibone
  32. Balie Peyton
  33. Barbara Cooper
  34. Barbour Lewis
  35. Barclay Martin
  36. Benjamin A. Enloe
  37. Benjamin Glover Shields
  38. Bennett H. Henderson
  39. Bernard Piotr Wojciechowski
  40. Bernhart Henn
  41. Beverly Marrero
  42. Bill Dunn
  43. Bill Ketron
  44. Bo Watson
  45. Brenda Gilmore
  46. Brian D. Montgomery
  47. Brian Kelsey
  48. Brookins Campbell
  49. Bruce Stanton
  50. Buck Dozier
  51. Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
  52. Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
  53. Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
  54. Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
  55. Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
  56. Bureau of Political-Military Affairs
  57. Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs
  58. Bureau of Verification, Compliance, and Implementation
  59. Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs
  60. Charles August Sulzer
  61. Charles Bryson Simonton
  62. Charles Edison
  63. Charles Edward Snodgrass
  64. Charles Ready
  65. Charlie Tygard
  66. Chief Clerk
  67. Chief of Naval Operations
  68. Chief of Staff of the United States Army
  69. Chris Ferrell
  70. Christopher A. Padilla
  71. Christopher Harris Williams
  72. Claas Cougar
  73. Clarence W. Turner
  74. Colin Mayes
  75. Conrad C. Lautenbacher
  76. Counselor of the United States Department of State
  77. Crack tax
  78. Curt Cobb
  79. Curtis S. Person, Jr.
  80. César Mayoral
  81. David Alexander Nunn
  82. David Cameron
  83. David Davis (Tennessee politician)
  84. David Fowler
  85. David Fowler (politician)
  86. David H. McCormick
  87. David Hawk
  88. David Kidder
  89. David W. Dickinson
  90. Dayton E. Phillips
  91. Dennis Spurgeon
  92. Dewayne Bunch
  93. Diane Black
  94. Diane Neighbors
  95. Don McLeary
  96. Douglas Henry
  97. E. Riley Anderson
  98. Ebenezer J. Shields
  99. Ed Fast
  100. Edward Everett Eslick
  101. Edward Isaac Golladay
  102. Edwin Hickman Ewing
  103. Eileen Beehan
  104. Eliphalet Wickes
  105. Emerson Etheridge
  106. Enrique Berruga
  107. Eric Crafton
  108. Erik Cole (legislator)
  109. Ewin L. Davis
  110. Fabian Manning
  111. Feller Brown
  112. Flag of Nashville, Tennessee
  113. Francis Jones (American politician)
  114. Frank Buck (politician)
  115. Frank Doran
  116. Frank Hinman Waskey
  117. Frank Killam
  118. Frederick Perry Stanton
  119. Gabriele Stauner
  120. Gary Odom
  121. Genichiro Sata
  122. George Barnes Grigsby
  123. George Gibbs Dibrell
  124. George Tibbits
  125. George Washington Bridges
  126. George Washington Jones (Tennessee politician)
  127. George Washington Lent Marr
  128. Gerhard Pfanzelter
  129. Giovanni Procacci
  130. Gordon Brown
  131. H. Casey Young
  132. Hanna Foltyn-Kubicka
  133. Harry J. Tindell
  134. Harumi Takahashi
  135. Harvey Magee Watterson
  136. Haya Rashed Al-Khalifa
  137. Haywood Yancey Riddle
  138. Henry C. Snodgrass
  139. Henry Hunter Bryan
  140. Henry R. Gibson
  141. Horace F. Page
  142. Horace Harrison
  143. Horst Posdorf
  144. Howard Gentry, Jr.
  145. Hubert Fisher
  146. Hubert Pirker
  147. Hugh Cameron
  148. Hugh Lawson White Hill
  149. Hywel Francis
  150. Iles Braghetto
  151. Isaac Roberts Hawkins
  152. Isaac Thomas
  153. J.B. Loring
  154. Jack Johnson (politician)
  155. Jack Parnell (politician)
  156. Jacob C. Isacks
  157. Jacob Montgomery Thornburgh
  158. James B. Reynolds
  159. James C. McDearmon
  160. James Cochran (New York)
  161. James Coffield Mitchell
  162. James Dellet
  163. James F. Kyle, Jr.
  164. James Fraser Forbes
  165. James Henry Randolph
  166. James Houston Thomas
  167. James Israel Standifer
  168. James Minor Quarles
  169. James Mullins
  170. James Patrick Sutton
  171. James T. Sandford
  172. Jamie Woodson
  173. Jan Meyers
  174. Jason Hart (legislator)
  175. Jason Mumpower
  176. Jean-Pierre Audy
  177. Jeffrey D. Jarrett
  178. Jerome Cochran
  179. Jerry W. Cooper
  180. Jim Coley
  181. Jim Forkum
  182. Jim Gotto
  183. Jim Tracy (politician)
  184. Joanne Favors
  185. Joe E. Armstrong
  186. Joe M. Haynes
  187. Joe McCord
  188. Joel Hasse Ferreira
  189. Johan C. Verbeke
  190. John A. Moon
  191. John Alexander Cocke
  192. John B. Forester
  193. John B. Nathman
  194. John Blair (Tennessee politician)
  195. John C. Houk
  196. John Cornyn
  197. John Costigan
  198. John DeWitt Clinton Atkins
  199. John E. McCall
  200. John Ford House
  201. John Goff Ballentine
  202. John Hartwell Marable
  203. John Henry Bowen
  204. John Hervey Crozier
  205. John Houston Savage
  206. John I. Nolan
  207. John R. Neal
  208. John Reid (politician)
  209. John Rhea
  210. John Vines Wright
  211. John W. Gaines
  212. John W. Leftwich
  213. John Wesley Crockett
  214. Jon Lundberg
  215. Jonas Platt
  216. Joseph E. Washington
  217. Joseph Hopkins Peyton
  218. Joseph Lanier Williams
  219. Joshua Sands
  220. Josiah M. Anderson
  221. Josiah Patterson
  222. Julius W. Blackwell
  223. Jürgen Zimmerling
  224. Karl Dean
  225. Kathryn I. Bowers
  226. Kevin Kolevar
  227. Kirsti Lintonen
  228. Larry Turner (politician)
  229. Lawrence J. Smith
  230. Lemuel P. Padgett
  231. Leonard Jarvis
  232. Leonidas C. Houk
  233. Lewis Tillman
  234. List of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations
  235. Lois DeBerry
  236. Lon A. Scott
  237. Lowe Finney
  238. Luc Harvey
  239. Luc Malo
  240. Lucien Bonaparte Chase
  241. Lucy Goes to the Hospital
  242. Lynn Scarlett
  243. M. Javad Zarif
  244. Mae Beavers
  245. Marcel Lussier
  246. Marcello Spatafora
  247. Masatada Tsuchiya
  248. Matthew Hill
  249. Matthias Groote
  250. Mel Knight
  251. Melvin Black
  252. Memphis City Council
  253. Meredith Poindexter Gentry
  254. Metropolitan Council (Davidson County)
  255. Michael A. Andrews
  256. Michael Craddock
  257. Michael Harrison (politician)
  258. Micheal R. Williams
  259. Ministry of Energy (Alberta)
  260. Ministry of Gaming (Alberta)
  261. Morgan Cassius Fitzpatrick
  262. Mounce Gore Butler
  263. Nancy Montanez Johner
  264. Nathan Vaughn
  265. Nathan W. Hale
  266. Nathaniel Green Taylor
  267. Nicholas N. Cox
  268. Nirupam Sen
  269. Pam Murray
  270. Park M. Strader
  271. Parry Wayne Humphreys
  272. Patrick Power
  273. Paul Stanley (Tennessee)
  274. Pleasant Moorman Miller
  275. Presley T. Glass
  276. Randy McNally
  277. Randy Tate
  278. Raymond Finney
  279. Reese Bowen Brabson
  280. Reginald Tate (politician)
  281. Rice Alexander Pierce
  282. Richard Allen Raymond
  283. Richard Cheatham
  284. Richard Montgomery (politician)
  285. Richard W. Austin
  286. Rip Ryman
  287. Rob Briley
  288. Robert Desha
  289. Robert K. Steel
  290. Robert Malone Bugg
  291. Robert Porter Caldwell
  292. Robert Weakley
  293. Roderick R. Butler
  294. Roland Gewalt
  295. Ron Lollar
  296. Ron Ramsey
  297. Ronald D. Coleman
  298. Ronald Lee Gilman
  299. Ronaldo Mota Sardenberg
  300. Ronnie Greer
  301. Ronnie Steine
  302. Roy Herron
  303. Rusty Crowe
  304. Sam D. McReynolds
  305. Sam R. Sells
  306. Samuel Axley Smith
  307. Samuel Bunch
  308. Samuel E. Hogg
  309. Samuel Mayes Arnell
  310. Samuel McClary Fite
  311. Samuel Powell
  312. Samuel Riker
  313. Samuel Williams Inge
  314. Samuel Wright Mardis
  315. Scott Simms
  316. Sergeant Major of the Army
  317. Sid Morrison
  318. Stauromedusae
  319. Steve Godsey
  320. Steve Southerland
  321. Stuart A. Levey
  322. Tennessee Commissioner of Correction
  323. Tennessee Commissioner of Environment and Conservation
  324. Tennessee Commissioner of Financial Institutions
  325. Tennessee Commissioner of Tourist Development
  326. Tennessee Commissioner of Veterans Affairs
  327. Tennessee Department of Correction
  328. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
  329. Tennessee Department of Financial Institutions
  330. Tennessee Department of Personnel
  331. Tennessee Department of Tourist Development
  332. Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs
  333. Tennessee during the Civil War
  334. Thelma Harper (politician)
  335. Thetus W. Sims
  336. Thomas Amos Rogers Nelson
  337. Thomas Cale
  338. Thomas Dickens Arnold
  339. Thomas Jefferson Campbell
  340. Thomas K. Harris
  341. Thomas Rivers
  342. Thomas Tillotson
  343. Timothy D. Adams
  344. Tommy Kilby
  345. Ulysses Jones, Jr.
  346. Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services
  347. Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety
  348. Under Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Regulatory Programs
  349. Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development
  350. Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs
  351. Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property
  352. Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade
  353. Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere
  354. Under Secretary of Defense Comptroller
  355. Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
  356. Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
  357. Under Secretary of Energy for Energy and Environment
  358. Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Security
  359. Under Secretary of Energy for Science
  360. Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Management
  361. Under Secretary of State
  362. Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs
  363. Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs
  364. Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs
  365. Under Secretary of State for Management
  366. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
  367. Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
  368. Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Benefits
  369. Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Memorial Affairs
  370. Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance
  371. Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
  372. Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
  373. United States Associate Attorney General
  374. United States Deputy Secretary of Agriculture
  375. United States Deputy Secretary of Education
  376. United States Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services
  377. United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security
  378. United States Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
  379. United States Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs
  380. United States Deputy Secretary of the Interior
  381. United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury
  382. United States Secretary of Agriculture
  383. United States Secretary of Commerce
  384. United States Secretary of Homeland Security
  385. United States Secretary of the Army
  386. United States Secretary of the Navy
  387. Vic Lineweaver
  388. Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army
  389. Vince Dean
  390. Vincenzo Aita
  391. Vincenzo Lavarra
  392. Ward Crutchfield
  393. Washington Barrow
  394. William Adam Piper
  395. William Blount Carter
  396. William Brickly Stokes
  397. William C. Houston
  398. William Charles Salmon
  399. William Claiborne Dunlap
  400. William Crutchfield
  401. William Cullom
  402. William Fitzgerald
  403. William Hawkins Polk
  404. William Henry Chipman
  405. William Henry Sneed
  406. William Marshall Inge
  407. William McFarland
  408. William Michael Cocke
  409. William Montgomery Churchwell
  410. William Parker Caldwell
  411. William T. Haskell
  412. William Tandy Senter
  413. William Tecumsah Avery
  414. William Wirt Vaughan
  415. William Woodburn
  416. Zachary D. Massey
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