
This user enjoys the works of
J. R. R. Tolkien.
CSLThis user enjoys the works of
C.S. Lewis.
{{User:Royalguard11/userboxes/C.S. Lewis}}


22 This user's favourite novel is Catch-22.
Big Brother is watching this user.
This user has or has yet to Journey to the Center of the Earth.
This user likes their Martinis shaken, not stirred.
{{User:Royalguard11/userboxes/James Bond}}
A lion similar to Aslan, the Lion This user loves The Chronicles of Narnia, both the books and the movies.
Narnia This user loves The Chronicles of Narnia.
{{User:Royalguard11/userboxes/Narnia Books}}
This user is obsessed with The War of the Worlds.
This user believes that "all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players".
{{User:Royalguard11/userboxes/world stage}}


LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings, both the books and the films.
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings book series and film trilogy, but not the 1978 animated film.
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings book series but not the film trilogy. This user may prefer the 1978 animated film to the film trilogy.
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings books but NOT the films.
LOTR This user loves The Lord of the Rings, just the film trilogy, not the books.
LOTR This user enjoys The Lord of the Rings book, the film trilogy, and the 1978 animated film.

Harry Potter

HPThis user is a Harry Potter fan.
G This user is a Gryffindor.
H This user is a Hufflepuff.
R This user is a Ravenclaw.
S This user is a Slytherin.
L.V. This user is a fan of Lord Voldemort.
HP This user likes the Harry Potter books, but not the films.
HP This user prefers the Harry Potter books to the films.
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