I'm thoroughly disappointed that I did not request adminship now, when RfA reform is really heating up. My personal experiment would have been to have each commentator write a limerick, haiku, sonnet, nursery rhyme or poem of some kind about how I would deal with the tools. But hindsight is perfect, and it's now too late.
This subpage, therefore, is for anyone interested in writing an ode to how much I rock/suck. I'll start us off.
By Riana, for Riana (very hastily done, apologies)
Riana's a very nice user And I doubt that she'd be an abuser Of rollback and move, or block and delete So for adminship, let us all choose her.
I spend a lot of time patrolling Recent Changes, Looking for destruction that's been wrought on our pages, There are more silly people than I could possibly handle, So thank you blocking this annoying vandal.
Yes she used to be a dzasta, But now blocking vandals much faster, Then anyone else, including myself, So keep on at booting their asses!
They say that adminship is no big deal, So how can our Riana put so much zeal? Whacking all vandals, unblocking the man, Impossible? No! The dzasta can!
Mark how the lark and linnet sing: with rival notes they strain their warbling throats to welcome in the spring.
But in the close of night when Philomel begins her heav`nly lay, they cease their mutual spite, drink in her music with delight, and list'ning and silent obey.
So ceased the rival crew when Riana came: They sung no more, or only sung her fame. Struck dumb, they all admire the matchless woman: alas, too late RFAd as she too late began.
The power of blocking too well they know she long ere this has tuned their jarring sphere and left no Hell below. The heav`nly choir, who heard her notes from high let down the scale of music from the sky.
Ye brethren of the lyre and wiki voice lament her lot, but at your own rejoice. Now live secure and linger out your days The gods are pleased alone with Riana's lays Nor know to mend their choice.
Once a vandal, a troll and a spammer Hatched a plot to deface Latin grammar, But when they clicked "Edit", 'twas the software that said it... "You've been blocked for 12 hours by Riana!"
- RfA is weird
- But this takes it much too far
- She wants a haiku?
Ours is belovedest of Rianas!
She sits by computer and scanners;
Along come the vandals and whackity-thwack!
Our Riana does teach them their manners.
Riana is good
Vandals are rude
Riana is responsible
Vandals are despisable
...And that is why I like my good friend Riana!
By VS (you did say Haiku - 5-7-5?)
Lov•ers re•move dung
From tree of knowl•edge grow•ing
Which sour fin•gers add
A brilliant country of knowledge and peace,
of beauty, skill and ease.
Until disturbed by raging bulls, ravaged by savage trolls
but the country was saved by a goddess... Oh God, no more polls!
Admin Riana
Gave blocks and deleted things,
Protected stuff too.
Riana is a badass
She's smarter than most
She likes to eat toast -
She's the cream of the Crop
Riana will rise to the top
But Big R would never eat a pig -
'cause a pig is a cop.
- Word to yo mother. Peace.
There once was a girl called Riana,
Who thought she could play the piano-a,
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