Hello, my name is Alex (just plain Alex , no Alexander); nickname Relayer250. I am new to editing on Wikipedia and look forward to making edits that will better online users on one of the best free sites on the web.
General Information
33 This user is 33 years old.
This user is a professional artist .
This user is of German ancestry.
EST This user's time zone is EST .
This user knows by heart the first
35 digits in the decimal representation of
pi .
This user is owned by one or more cats .
Beliefs & Philosophy
This user is not afraid of being wrong .
This user does not smoke .
General Interests
This user is an art lover .
This user likes all types of music .
This user enjoys heavy reading, such as Shakespeare and other dead guys.
Specific Interests
band-2 This user listens to Yes .
This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user is proud to be one with penguins .
D'NI This user plays the Myst series.
Food & Drink
This user does not eat fish . Ever.
This user LOVES to drink coffee and drinks at least 40 cups a month.
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