Wikipedia editor
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Don't use A , An , or The as the first word: History of South Africa , not The history of South Africa , unless by convention The is an inseparable part of a name (The Beatles ).
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Some of my work here
I enjoy discovering and documenting connections (both shallow and deep) among superficially disparate topics.
I edit a very eclectic and wide array of Wikipedia articles, including those on a number of women artists, such as Niki de Saint Phalle , Marisol Escobar , Isabelle Collin Dufresne , Louise Bourgeois , Yayoi Kusama , Nancy Reddin Kienholz , Remedios Varo , Lucia Moholy , Sibyl Moholy-Nagy , Sarah Sze , Muriel Cooper , Felice Frankel , Taylor Davis , Laura McPhee , Rosamond W. Purcell , and Jacqueline Casey . I have also done work on male artists such as Jean-Robert Ipousteguy , Eadweard Muybridge , Ed Kienholz , Paul Delvaux , Thomas Eakins , Maxfield Parrish , Daniel Chester French , Cyrus Dallin , László Moholy-Nagy , Marcel Duchamp , Alexander Calder , Richard Estes , Duane Hanson , Ron Mueck , Miguel Ortiz Berrocal , Charles Eames , Russel Wright , Isamu Noguchi , Otto Piene , Michael Leunig , James Turrell , Jamie Wyeth , Wen-Ying Tsai , Paul Matisse , Doug Fitch , Arthur Ganson , and Jeff Lieberman (artist engineer) . I've also worked on musical artists and related creators, such as Michael Tilson-Thomas , Johannes Brahms , Dmitri Shostakovich , Alan Hovhaness , Teddy Abrams , Jacob Collier , and Phil Spector .
I have done work on Charles Proteus Steinmetz , the less-known but far more effective pioneering electrical engineer, as well as his flashier contemporary Nikola Tesla . Other interesting engineers include Bob Pease , Bob Widlar , Bob Dobkin , Jim Williams , Henry Kloss , Richard Stallman , Tim Berners-Lee , Steve Wozniak , Barbara Liskov , Dave Cutler , Chuck Hoberman , John G. Trump , Hal Laning , Margaret Hamilton , Limor Fried , and Charles Babbage . I have worked on scientists and educators, such as George Gamow , Victor Weisskopf , Richard Feynman , Mary Roach , Moon Duchin , Randall Munroe , Erik Demaine , Philip Morrison , John Ochsendorf , Fernando J. Corbató , James Burke , Edward R. Tufte , Frank Oppenheimer , Norm Abram , Gunther von Hagens , Doc Edgerton , and Leo Beranek . I have also worked on the tragic story of the MIT student Philip Gale , and the much happier stories of Hacks at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , the MIT Science Fiction Society , and Traditions and student activities at MIT .
I have worked on biographies of assorted other interesting people, such as Joyce Chen (chef) , Jules Verne , Elbridge Gerry , Dmitri Borgmann , Piet Hein , Eve Babitz , Agnes Varda , and Mike Jittlov .
I am interested in connections between technology and art, including Neon art , Kinetic art , Light art , Surrealism , Op Art , and Fore-edge paintings . I am interested in scientific phenomena and devices such as Dust explosions , Fulgurites , Lichtenberg figures , Fire pistons , Stirling engines , Euler's Disk , Tippe tops , Rattlebacks , and Plasma globes . I have worked on materials, such as Silicone , Rust , and Vantablack , as well as Conservation and restoration of plastic objects . I am interested in processes, such as Spirit duplicator , Mimeograph , and Laser printing .
I have worked on Mathematics and art , Anamorphosis , Piphilology , and Mnemonics . I have worked on articles about the development of various abstract symbols, including the Infinity symbol , the Recycling symbol , the Valknut , and the Looped square . I have created or significantly expanded Electromagnetic door holder , Erasing shield , Camera bag , Ink ribbon , and miscellaneous other articles when I found to my surprise that they did not already exist, or left much room for improvement.
I have worked on a number of articles about individual artworks, such as the Tarot Garden , Cloud Gate , Sean Collier Memorial , Fearless Girl , Kendall Band , Appeal to the Great Spirit , Bacchante and Infant Faun , Vessel , and The Sphere .
I am also interested in Educational toys , including Erector Set , Meccano , Anchor Stone Blocks , Girder and Panel building sets , Fischertechnik , Minivac 601 , Digi-Comp II , Things of Science , Useless machine , and the infamous Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Laboratory . I have worked on the stories of A. C. Gilbert , Friedrich Fröbel , Seymour Papert , and other educational innovators.
I have worked on articles about various specialized exhibitions, such as Mathematica: A World of Numbers... and Beyond , Mathemalchemy , both New York World's Fairs , Luna Luna , the Empire State Plaza architecture and Art Collection, Harvard Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments , Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology , Museum of Printing , New York Transit Museum , and specialized New York City exhibits at the Queens Museum . I have worked on the MIT Museum , Exploratorium , Ontario Science Centre , American Museum of Natural History , Harvard Art Museums , Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East , Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History , Yale University Art Gallery , Rose Art Museum , Rhode Island School of Design Museum , and numerous other art museums and science/technology centers . I work on architectural articles, such as the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library , Kresge Auditorium , MIT Chapel , Infinite Corridor , Building 20 , and Technology Square ; and architects, such as Harry Weese , Benjamin Thompson , Minoru Yamasaki , Paul Rudolph , and Gordon Bunshaft . I expanded the Thomas J. Watson Library article, adding mention of the Nolen Library as well.
I connect many articles via Wikilinks, which I consider to be an important feature of Wikipedia. I crosslinked the articles on the artist Gustave Courbet and geological Karst springs . I have connected the article on Salvador Dalí to the article on the Willis Tower in Chicago, via the article on Glass floors . I have corrected a serious technical error in the article Evolution of mammalian auditory ossicles , Wikilinking it to relevant articles on Mechanical impedance and Transformers . I have created or significantly expanded navbar templates, which are helpful in exploring a large set of related articles, such as Template:HVAC , Template:Plumbing , Template:Typewriter , Template:Toilets , Template:Locksmithing , Template:Fire protection , Template:Caves , Template:Nightclub fires , and Template:Road types .
I have added new "Cultural references" sections to articles about mathematical phenomena and artists, connecting mathematics, science, technology, and art. For example, I added a brief section to the article Peaucellier–Lipkin linkage , linking to a new monumental sculpture in the Netherlands which incorporates the linkage. I overhauled the article on Infinity mirrors , including adding a new "Cultural references" section referring Yayoi Kusama , Josiah McElheny , Ivan Navarro , and Taylor Davis as visual artists who have made use of the phenomenon. I have also added a “Cultural references” section to the article on Trolley pole describing some literary connections to Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. and James Agee , and added an interesting historical sidelight to the article on Platform gap . I have added some further literary sidelights to the articles Typewriter and IBM Selectric typewriter , as well as extensive technical and historic information.
I am interested in cultural phenomena and artifacts, such as Sidewalk art , Graffiti , Street art , Juicy Salif , and the German Volksempfänger . I have worked on articles about various subcultures, such as Urban exploration , the Hacker ethic, and Hackerspaces .
I have worked on a number of mostly technical articles, such as Gender of connectors and fasteners , Coaxial power connector , Abundance of the chemical elements , Cooling tower , Piping and plumbing fitting , and Knob-and-tube wiring . I have also worked on articles about everyday appliances and services which have significant technical content, such as Dry cleaning , Washing machine , Central vacuum cleaner , and Fly-killing device . I have contributed to articles about the history of computing technology, such as Harvard Mark I , TX-0 , ASCII , Punched tape , DECtape , Flip Chip (PDP module) , Multics , Incompatible Timesharing System , DECSYSTEM-20 , PDP-11 , RSX-11 , RT-11 , ASR33 , VT100 , Tektronix 4010 , Heathkit , and Monrobot XI .
I have edited numerous articles related to transportation and infrastructure, both around Boston and worldwide, such as Tunnel , Rapid transit , Slurry wall , Turnstile , Erie Canal , Escalator , Paternoster lift , Stairs , Utility tunnel , and Gas lighting . I have worked on articles related to health and safety, including Mothball , Airbag , Seat belt , Underride guard , Gas leak , Escape chute , Exit sign , Stray voltage , Laboratory safety , Beryllium , Mercury (element) , Electrical outlet tester , and List of civilian radiation accidents .
I have done some very modest editing of the French Wikipedia, crosslinking and importing material to/from the English Wikipedia. I have worked on English Wikipedia articles related to the French language, such as List of French expressions in English , verb framing , Quebec French , Quebec French profanity , and French cultural artifacts such as Asterix . I occasionally import material from the German, Italian, Spanish, or other language Wikipedias, but don't edit them much because I am not sufficiently fluent in those languages.
I also have edited the WP:Manual of Style and various Wikipedia help files and tutorials when I identify common editing issues and errors, or realize that I can make powerful and helpful tools more accessible to all editors, from newbies to experts.
In the future, I hope to work on articles about Jean Tinguely , Anish Kapoor , George Rickey , Claes Oldenburg , John F Pile , some overlooked women photographers, and some pioneering audio engineers such as Roy Allison and Barry Blesser .
Convenient shortcuts
Here are some shortcuts to pages I find personally handy at the moment (not necessarily recommending them to anyone else):
Main namespace Other namespaces All namespaces Navboxes with templates Inline images Help pages Related topics Search
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