My origional Wikipedia account was going to be QZX, but someone else already had it, so I became QZX, , and my computer (for unknown reasons) kept me from logging in after a few weeks, so now I have a new computer and I am safely QZXA2 (the "A2" as in "L85A2" or "M16A2"). Although I have been on Wikipedia for almost a year, I have only recently started to do any real contributions. I vehemently oppose biased country related pages, so please inform me if you have found one. Here are some random facts about me that I am sure no one really cares about: I am a modern military buff. I am pro-Russian government, I am pro Malaysian government, I am pro Algierian government, I am pro (Democratic Republic of the) Congolese government, I am pro Chadean government, I am pro Liberian government, and I am pro any other reasonably free and democratic nation. That said, by "pro government" I mean I belive that these countries are reasonably free democracies. I agree that every nation rated "free" or "partly free" by the NGO Freedom House should be rated "free" or "partly free", however, I strongly oppose some of their "not free" ratings (ie. both Congos, Russia, Chad, and Angola should be rated "partly free"). I support a Color Revolution in Kazakhstan, Tajikstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and Turkmentistan. I support the 2006 Thai coup, believing it was the only way to remove an increasingly authoritarian government, and I am glad to see that the military is holding through on thier promises for elections this year. I support the expansion of NATO and the EU. I am a Catholic leaning secular unaffiliated Christian. I am unafiliated due to my opposition to some church beliefs (ie non Christians going to hell, creationism, ect.).

Here are some articles I am going to revise. Feel free to help me out.

  • Human rights in Russia Extreme anti-Russian bias, "sources" are all anti-Kremlin websites, too many mere allegations
  • FSB Includes 100% POV section containing rediculous conspiracy theories and treats them like facts

Articles I am planning to create:

If you have any advice for me, or you have something you think I may find interesting, contact me via my user talk page.

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