About me
This user is polite and expects others to act accordingly.
No user serviceable parts inside.
to too two This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two .
’s Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
My Toolbox
Main Interests
Particular interests in:
Emergency Medicine & Ambulance Care
Emergency Services (Police, Fire etc.)
First Aid
Devon, esp local history
Wikipedia Contributions
Pages I Created
A382 road - Road in Devon
ABC (medical) - Created this page and ported information out of ABC (first aid), adding additional historical data - also major improvements to the citations and layout
Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System - The system used in the UK and elsewhere to decide clinical priority for the dispatch of ambulances
Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex
Air source heat pump - major heating technology
Airways Flying Club - Created in order to get rid of a red link!
Alphred Duport - from research on Exeter Mayors
Ambrosia (food) - Food brand i used to work on
Angel Delight (album) - DAB from the food
Arthur Kipps
ASHICE - Ambulance service patient reporting protocol
Atora - Food brand i used to work on
Baux score - Medical scale for predicting severity of burns
Becky Falls - local point of interest
Bicton Arena - local equestrian venue
Bicton Arena International 5* - major equestrian event
Blood bike - emergency vehicle type
Bowling for a pig - historic fete game
Brian Kellett - DAB
British Association for Immediate Care - UK emergency medical charity
British Equestrian Federation - UK governing body for equestrian sport
British Equestrian Trade Association - member of the British Equestrian Federation
British Equestrian Vaulting - member of the British Equestrian Federation
British Horseball Association - member of the British Equestrian Federation
British Horse Driving Trials Association - member of British Equestrian Federation
British Horse Industry Confederation - Overall umbrella body representing equestrian industry to government
British Jumping Derby - Showjumping event at All England Jumping Course at Hickstead
British Showjumping Association - UK governing body for showjumping
Burgess Hill Rugby Football Club - My former rugby club
Caduceus as a symbol of medicine - Completed with content from Caduceus and Rod of Asclepius , specifically addressing the confusion between the two
Caroline Pratt - 3 day eventer who tragically died competing at Burghley horse trials
CHALET - The Emergency Service protocol
County show - type of UK event
Crocodiles of the World - UK crocodile zoo
Defence Fire Training and Development Centre - former defence fire training at RAF Manston
Dr Blackall's Drive - local point of interest
Drowning chain - The causes of drowning
Elektromotive - Created an article on an existing redirect page
Emergency - Whilst not technically creating the page, I created the article from what was previously a disambiguation page - awarded a barnstar for this work
Emergency bleeding control - Combined articles on Direct Pressure, Pressure point (first aid) and Emergency tourniquet in to one place, and added additional information, including on internal bleeding
Emergency care practitioner - Added this advanced paramedic qualification as a stub
Emergency medical services in Canada - split from Ambulance
Emergency medical services in France - split from Ambulance
Emergency medical services in Germany - Created as a split of Ambulance
Emergency medical services in Norway - Split from ambulance
Emergency medical services in the United Kingdom - UK specific ambulance site, involved closing other pages such as "List of UK Ambulance Services" for comprehensive encyclopaedic page
Endurance GB - UK equestrian body
Equine dentistry - major missing topic
ETHANE - The Emergency Service protocol
Exeter Arena - Created to close redlink out
Exeter City Fire Brigade - created as daughter from Exeter Theatre Fire
Exeter Theatre Royal fire - article about UK'd deadliest ever building fire
Five freedoms - animal welfare article
FSCTE Manston - MOD Central Fire Training School
Former UK Ambulance Services - Addresses changes created by ambulance service restructure
Francis Foster (comedian) - host of Triggernometry
Gammon (meat) - mmmmmm, pork
Gas safe register - The UK gas engineer approval scheme
Geoff Billington - British show jumper
Guy Williams (equestrian) - British equestrian
HMS Express (1874) - close out redlink from Exeter Theatre Fire
Hawkmoor Hospital - former sanatorium in Lustleigh
Hawley Hospital - linked hospital to Hawkmoor
Heavitree hospital - Exeter hospital
Heavitree isolation hospital - Former Exeter hospital
Honeylands - Former Exeter hospital
Hundatorra - deserted medieval village on Dartmoor
Hunter's Tor, Lustleigh Cleave - Tor on Lustleigh Cleave
Independent Ambulance Association - trade association for ambulance providers in England
Inset day - Was looking for information, and couldn't find it, so created it
King Edward's Place - childrens' activity centre
Knurr and spell - historic game that i heard about, so wrote an article!
Kursaal (amusement park)
Lewes Bonfire - Created article from redirect page
List of foxhound packs of the United Kingdom - Following extensive work on Fox hunting
List of South East Coast Ambulance Service stations - Created to move information clutter from main article
Louise Skelton - British equestrian
Lustleigh - A Devon village close to my heart
Lustleigh Cleave - natural feature in Lustleigh
Lustleigh May Day - village event
Lustleigh Show - village event
Marshwood Castle - to close out redlink from Lustleigh
Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act 1878 - daughter article for Exeter Theatre Fire
Metropolitan Building Act 1855 - daughter article for Exeter Theatre Fire
Mounted Games Association of Great Britain - member of the British Equestrian Federation
NHS ambulance services
Newton Abbot power station - former Devon power station
Newton Bushell Turnpike Trust - builders of the A382
Operational Research CONsultancy - The targeting system used to measure the performance of UK ambulance trusts
Oval Raceway - Local motor racing circuit
Pain stimulus - Medical knowledge
Paraveterinary workers in Australia
Paraveterinary workers in Belgium
Paraveterinary workers in Denmark
Paraveterinary workers in France
Paraveterinary workers in Ireland
Paraveterinary workers in Italy
Paraveterinary workers in Japan
Paraveterinary workers in New Zealand
Paraveterinary workers in Norway
Paraveterinary workers in South Africa
Paraveterinary workers in Sweden
Paraveterinary workers in Switzerland
Paraveterinary workers in Thailand
Paraveterinary workers in Turkey
Patient's Charter - NHS charter of service
Piggy French - British eventing competitor
Police vehicles in the United Kingdom - Created after work on Police car
Police vehicles in Belgium
Pre 2006 NHS ambulance services - Created after major changes to EMS in the UK when trust boundaries changed, created article to capture old structure
Primley House - Created along with work on Paignton Zoo and Herbert Whitley
Primley Sceptre - First UK crufts champion
RAF Booker - Created with sketchy detail, so needs to expand
RAF Chailey
RAF Manston - Where I used to be an air cadet (created article from a redirect page)
RAF Pocklington - Didn't have an article, and i thought it deserved one...
Resuscitation Council (UK) - The UK governing body for resus protocols
Richborough Energy Park - At Richborough Power Station near where I grew up
Robert Pople - Exeter Mayor
Robertson's - Food brand i used to work on, now discontinued
Roger Beynim - Exeter Mayor
Rowland Glave Saunders - Exeter Mayor
Royal International Horse Show - equestrian show at All England Jumping Course at Hickstead
Sarah Wilkinson - former NHS chief exec
Sheriff of Exeter - Exeter position
South of England Show - Local agricultural show
Spindles Farm - Detail on major animal cruelty case
Stover Country Park - Local destination
Sussex Police Air Operations Unit
Sutreworde - deserted medieval village in Lustleigh
Tail lift - Created as a stub, but hope to expand it. Obviously should have an article, but not a subject expert!
Template:Caduceus confusion summary - A short article part intended to harmonise text between Caduceus and Rod of Asclepius and link on to main article
The Great Bovine Pestilence - from work on Hundatorra
The Horse Whisperer (book) - famous book without a page!
The House That Moved - Exeter landmark and one of Europe's oldest buildings
The Romany Rye (play) - daughter of Exeter Theatre Royal fire
Thomas Blackall - Notable historic Devon person
Triggernometry (podcast) - popular podcast
Veterinary medicine in the United Kingdom - sensible split/merge of vet, veterinary surgeon
Veterinary medicine in the United States - fixing global problems with veterinarian
West of England Eye Infirmary - former Exeter hospital
Whipton Barton - former Exeter manor
Whipton Hospital - Exeter hospital
William Prouz - Historic Exeter figure
William de Widworthy - historic Devon figure
Wonford House Hospital - Exeter hospital
Woolstore Theatre - small theatre in Wiltshire
Wycombe Air Park - The link between RAF Booker and British Airways flying club!
Fox hunt articles
Rugby articles
Nav Templates I made
Pages I made major contribution to (main or second contributor)
Aerial work platform - Overhauled this article, removing how-to and restructuring the article to improve readability dramatically. Also cut out a lot of duplication
Airway management - Added detail and restructured article
All England Jumping Course at Hickstead - Restructure and split off daughter articles for two main shows
Amateur Transplants - UK comedy band
Ambulance - Made major edits to this (about 80% of the article written or re-written), in order to make it in to an excellent resource article. Included splitting out country specific information
Artificial respiration - Major overhaul, including bringing in stubs from CPR Mask and Face shield
August Bank Holiday - about the day
Automated external defibrillator - Added detail and tidied the article up to separate more from Defibrillation
AVPU - Added detail to this, making it no longer a stub (IMHO)
Bandage - Restructured to make better base for expansion
Battenburg markings - Overhauled this fairly new article, and uploaded images I created to illustrate
Bed rest - Merged with 'Bedrest' in to a single article, and added additional citations and tidy up
Bleeding - Rewrote large sections of this article, and added sections on types of bleeding cause
British Association for Immediate Care - This article was on the verge of a speedy delete after creation, but I rescued it to be a good article start
British Dressage - UK governing body for dressage
British Eventing - UK governing body for eventing
British Horse Society - Restructure
British Red Cross - Created structure and major copy editing
Buckland Beacon - Devon landmark
C. J. Phipps - Theatre designer and cause of Exeter Theatre Royal fire
Caduceus - Major rewrite to this article to clear up ambiguity around usage (and overlap with rod of asclepius)
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation - Added a lot of info, restructured and added loads of references
Caroline Pratt - British equestrian
Cecil Torr - noted Devon antiquarian
Choking - Major additions to this article. removal of lots of how to, and merged abdominal thrusts in
Colson's - Exeter department store
County Ground Stadium - Former Exeter stadium
Defibrillation - Instigated merge with Defibrillator, and managed merge of two articles together to create one much better article with the support of other regular editors
Devon Air Ambulance - Asked to look at this by another EMS task force editor, added full inline citation and copy edited
Dressing (medical) - Structured article for expansion
Edward Whitley (politician) - father of Herbert Whitley
Emergency action principles - Was entirely POV and instruction guide focused, and also entirely based on medical emergencies. 100% rewrite to make more encyclopaedic and more general
Emergency medical services - Tough challenge involving an almost total rewrite of a US focused article to reflect a global view
Emergency service - This was a very patchy article containing a list added to randomly, and some sub sections which weren't strictly relevant here. Now structured in to core, secondary and civil emergency services
Emergency vehicle equipment - Rearranged the structure to try and make this not only global, but add a technical edge
Emergency vehicle lighting - Complete overhaul, rewrite and significant addition of extra information and citations.
Eyre Massey Shaw first chief of London Fire Brigade
Fire - Restructured section on classifying fires
Fire apparatus - Following heavy work on police car and ambulance, i overhauled fire apparatus. Clearly separated out types of apparatus to distinguish for the lay reader
Fire prevention - Added table comparing European and US fire classfication systems
First aid - Quite a stubby article, so added lots of info and Wikilinks
First aid kit - Worked on article to try and make clear distinctions between types and bring some structure
Fox hunting - Very disjointed article with a lot of repetition and POV, tidied up and started adding much needed citations
Frances Helen Prideaux - pioneering female doctor
Geoff Billington - British equestrian
Glasgow coma scale - Copy editing and tabulating main features
Herbert Whitley - founder of Paignton Zoo
Horse teeth - Major overhaul
Hugh Wood (landowner)
John Blackaller - Devon historic figure
Kelly Mine, Devon - mine in Lustleigh
Kent Air Ambulance - Copy editing and best practice from other air ambulance articles
Kent International Airport - Airport on the site of RAF Manston (see above)
Lewes Bonfire - annual celebration
Lifeguard - Complete rewrite of Lifeguard article as it was not a single coherent view, but a collection of statements which didn't really link to together, and contained a lot of WP:OR
Man versus Horse Marathon
Mayor of Exeter - converted from list to article
Miles Thomas - former Morris motors managing director
Monty Roberts - Significant improvements to article
Moretonhampstead - Devon village
NHS Digital - former UK NHS body
Natural horsemanship - Complete rewrite of POV and OR article
Nitrous oxide and oxygen - Complete rewrite and move away from focus on Entonox, which is a trade name. Added pictures (as gallery below).
Nuffield Press - former Morris company
Oropharyngeal airway - Overhaul on this article, including merging Guedal Pattern airway article in to it
OPQRST - Restructured to make it more readable and moved first person voice. Good basis for more expansion here
Oxygen therapy - Complete rewrite and restructure of this article
Paignton Zoo
Police car - Was a dreadful article, all split by country twice! Wrote significant amount of text to bring global and generic perspective
Police dog - Add much needed citations and some clean up
Police van - merged with colloquial article 'paddywagon' and edits
Prestcold - historic Morris company
Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath - Sussex hospital
RAF Membury - detail of what is now a motorway services
RAF Pocklington - former RAF airbase
RHM - Added lots of company info while I worked there
River Bovey - Devon river
River Teign - Devon river
Rod of Asclepius - Restructured this article to make it easier to read, and adding additional information to separate from Caduceus
Rollkur - a controversial technique in horse training
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital - Exeter hospital
Scott Mills - Radio 1 DJ - restructured and turned it in to more encyclopaedic article
Shire Horse - Major article overhaul, adding additional information and references
Simon says - Article overhaul, split out DAB page (Simon says (disambiguation) )
Smelling salts - Changed stubby unreferenced article in to new structure with strong initial references
Star of life - added major information to this article, including explanatory picture
Stover Country Park - Devon attraction
Them There - UK acting collective, converted from previous informal name
Trailwalker - annual fundraising walk
William Hurst (MP) - Exeter MP and mayor
Pages I watch and edit
Images I've added
Images ported under Creative Commons from Flickr
Fair use images i've added
File:Cd ireland.jpg
File:Ilcor logo.gif
File:Resuscouncil flash.gif
File:RAF Manston.jpg
File:Edfenergy logo.gif
My awards
Wow, I actually got a barnstar!
The Barnstar of Life
The barnstar of life is hereby awarded to Owain.davies for a particularly fine job of creating and editing the article emergency . Th e Tr ans hu man ist 20:03, 15 May 2007 (UTC)
The Medicine Barnstar
For your hard work improving the quality of EMS and fire-related aritcles, I hereby award you this medicine barnstar. Thanks also for taking time to work with and provide guidance to new users while ensuring quality content. delldot talk 19:38, 20 August 2008 (UTC)
To-do list
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