- Linguistics: Theory of language (structuralism, Functional linguistics, functionalism, formalist linguistics, generativism, Cognitive linguistics), Cognitive grammar
- History_of_linguistics#Modern_linguistics
- Pragmatics, Systemic functional grammar, Systemic functional linguistics, Frame semantics (linguistics)
- Structural linguistics
- Functional sentence perspective
- Philosophy of language
- Constructivism (philosophy of science), Construction grammar
- Ordinary language philosophy, Ideal language philosophy,
- Linguistic turn, Cultural turn
- Prototype theory, typology, functionalism, diachronic linguistics,
- Usage (language), Usage-based study of language
- Grammaticalization, Language change
- Topic and comment, Argument (linguistics), Agent (grammar), Patient (grammar), Thematic relation, Grammatical relation, Predicate (grammar), Constituent (linguistics), Stative verb, Dynamic verb, Nominalization, Active–stative alignment, Nominative–accusative alignment, Ergative–absolutive alignment, Focus (linguistics)
- Markedness, Marker (linguistics)
- Unergative verb, Unaccusative verb
- Functional discourse grammar, Lexical functional grammar, Constraint-based grammar (redirect)
- Linguistic system
- Linguistic description, Linguistic prescription
Textbook Grammars
- linguistically-oriented grammars (stripped-down to beginner level)
- Linguistic Typology and Formal Grammar (2010)
- Advanced English Grammar - A Linguistic Approach (2012)
- Linguistic Perspectives on English Grammar - A Guide for EFL Teachers (2010)
- Linguistic Accuracy of Textbook Grammar (1988) [1]
Structuralism, Functionalism, Linguistics, Psychology
Psychology | Linguistic formalism | Linguistic typological-functionalism | Other |
(4th c. BCE) Pāṇini rule-based grammar of Sanskrit. | |||
(1850s) Wilhelm von Humboldt's "pre-generativism" | |||
(1879) Wundt's Elementalism or structuralist psychology | |||
(1912) Gestalt psychology | |||
(1916) de_Saussure's Cours de linguistique générale | |||
(1921) Linguistic turn, Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus | |||
(1890s) Freud's dynamic psychology | |||
(1924) Watson's Behaviorism | |||
(1949) French structuralism, Lévi-Strauss's The Elementary Structures of Kinship | |||
(1950s) Cognitivism (psychology), Cognitive psychology | (1956) Chomsky's Generative bullshit | (1956) Cognitive revolution | |
(1963) Joseph Greenberg's Linguistic typology | |||
(1967) Linguistics wars, Generative semantics | |||
(1960s) Althusser's Structural Marxism | |||
(1980s) Cognitive and behavioral approaches merge into CBT | (1980s) Lakoff and Langacker's Cognitive linguistics | ||
(1990s) Usage-based linguistics |
Paradigms and ..
- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
- Operationalization (1935, psychology)
- Prototype theory (1973, psychology -> linguistics)
Narcissists, psychopaths, sociopaths, antisocial PD
- Narcissism
- Malignant narcissism
- Narcissistic Personality Inventory
- Narcissistic personality disorder
- Template:Narcissism
- Narcissistic abuse
- Discrediting tactic
- Psychological manipulation
- Toxic workplace
- Narcissism in the workplace
- Psychopathy in the workplace
- The Culture of Narcissism
- Flying monkeys (popular psychology)
- Narcissistic supply
- Petty tyranny
- Narcissistic mortification
- Superficial charm
- Template:Psychological manipulation
- Bullying
- Organizational culture
- Toxic leader
- Narcissistic leadership
- Snakes in Suits
- Psychopath definitions: Otto F. Kernberg, Robert D. Hare, Michael H. Stone
- Template:Psychopathy
- Psychopathy
- Anti-social behaviour
- Machiavellianism in the workplace
- Workplace deviance
- Machiavellianism (psychology)
- Workplace bullying
- Enabling#Narcissists_and_abusers
- Abusive power and control
VR headsets
- Valve Index, high-end consumer VR, released in June 2019, $999 with accessories, 120 (144) Hz refresh rate, 115 fov, [2], [3]
- *Index 2 [4]
- HP Reverb G2 Omnicept, enterprise headset, released May 2021, $1249 (with 2 motion controllers), Foveated rendering
- Pimax
- 8K x
- 8K plus
- 5K Plus, refresh Rate 90Hz, fov 170° (200° diagonal)[5]
- 5K Super, same display as 5k+, same as 8K x, but with 180 refresh rate; 180hz (small fov), 160-120hz (normal fov) 90hz (large fov), $699 (without controllers or base stations), $ 1200 (with 2 base stations and 2 controllers)
- Varjo XR-3, mixed reality, $5000+, eye tracking for Foveated rendering
Cannabis legalization predictions
April 2023: 22 States have legalized recreational use [6] In order: Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon, DC, California, Nevada, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Illinois, Montana, Vermont, Arizona, New Jersey, New Mexico, Connecticut, New York, Virginia, Rhode Island, Maryland, Missouri, Delaware.
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington
As of April 2023, recreational cannabis is legal in 22 states. The ballot initiative process exists in 24 states.
There are 10 states with ballot initiatives that haven't legalized adult use yet: Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah [7], Wyoming (Mississippi's ballot initiative process has been controversally been struck down by the supreme court).
July 5th, 2022 update: [8]
Legalizations predictions
- Minnesota, by Legislative action [9]
- Ohio, by Nov 2023 ballot measure [10] [11], "Ohio Activists Submit Revised Marijuana Legalization Petition For 2022 Ballot" [12], [13]
- Hawaii, by 2024 legislative measure [14]
- Florida, by Nov 2024 ballot measure [15], [16], [17] (two recent initiatives blocked by Supreme Court [18])
- Nebraska, by Nov 2024 ballot measure [19] (possibly recreational in nov 2022 ballot: [20], [21])
- Pennsylvania, by 2023/2024 legislative measures [22]
- Iowa, by Nov 2024 constitutional amendement ballot measure [23] [24]
- North Dakota, by 2024 ballot [25]
- Oklahoma, Nov 2024 ballot measure [26]
- South Dakota, Nov 2024 ballot [27]
- New Hampshire: legislatively, after governor change, or veto overridden. [28]
Medical already legal: Mississippi [29], Utah, West Virginia.
Legalizing medical next: North Carolina (by legislative measure, or 2023 legislative action), South Carolina [30], Idaho (by 2024 ballot [31], [32], [33])
Other states: Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Tennessee, Texas.
Legality of cannabis#By country: recreational use is legal in Canada, Georgia (possession), Mexico, South Africa (possession and cultivation), Uruguay. Decriminalized and legal medical use in several countries.
- Luxembourg (parliament vote expected early 2022)
- Germany (expected during 2022) [36]
- Italy (referendum vote expected for Spring 2022) [37]
- Switzerland, Nederlands [38]
Have already legalized:
Linguistics articles to create
- morphosyntax
- semantic macrorole
- interface (linguistics)
- interface semantics
- phrasal semantics
- multi-word expression (see Phraseology)
- Category:Multi-word expressions, containing idioms, collocates, ..
- argument structure [41]
- light noun
- Semantics (natural language)
- word meaning
- semantic atomism, semantic groundedness, substitutional compositionality
Encyclopedias, handbooks, and other tertiary sources
Encyclopedias and handbooks in linguistics, semantics (distributional, lexical, phrasal, compositional, formal, ..), natural language processing, philosophy of language, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, applied linguistics, neurolinguistics, .., cognitive sciences, cognitive linguistics, ..
- Ruslan Mitkov (editor, 2016) The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics 2nd edition
- Notable entries: Semantics (by David Beaver and Joey Frazee)
- Chris Cummins and Napoleon Katsos (eds., 2019) The Oxford Handbook of Experimental Semantics and Pragmatics
- Notable entries: Prosody and Meaning (by Judith Tonhauser)
- R.A. Wilson and F.C. Keil (eds., 1999) The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press
- Notable entries: Partee, B. (1999) Semantics 739-742.
- Mark Aronoff (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics
- Computational Semantics (by Katrin Erk, 2018 )
- Connectionism in Linguistic Theory (by Xiaowei Zhao, 2017)
- Iconicity (Irit Meir and Oksana Tkachman, 2018)
- Ideophones (Mimetics, Expressives) (by Kimi Akita and Mark Dingemanse, 2019)
- Idioms and Phraseology (by M. Teresa Espinal and Jaume Mateu, 2019)
- Lexical Semantics (by Dirk Geeraerts, 2017)
- Semantic Compositionality, Francis Jeffry Pelletier (2016)
- Semantic Theories of Questions Floris Roelofsen (2019)
- Semantics and Pragmatics of Monkey Communication, Philippe Schlenker, Emmanuel Chemla and Klaus Zuberbühler (2017)
- Syntactic Features Peter Svenonius (2019)
- Theme Eva Hajičová (2017)
- The Phonetics of Prosody, Amalia Arvaniti (2020)
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