author |
date |
1851-1922 |
The New York Times archives
1883-1915 |
Outing Magazine
1887 |
A testimonial to Charles J. Paine and Edward Burgess from the city of Boston for their successful defence of the America's Cup
1890 |
An Act of incorporation - List of Yachts. Constitution, By-Laws, Sailing Regulations, &c. of the New York Yacht Club
2012 |
Le Livre Bleu du Yacht Club de France
Willem Akkerman, Theo van Harpen, Jan Briek |
2001 |
E.G. van de Stadt - Yacht Design Pioneer
Michael d'Antonio |
2010 |
A Full Cup - Sir Thomas Lipton's Extraordinary Life and His Quest for the America's Cup
Jean-Michel Barrault |
2009 |
La grande époque du Yachting
Samuel Greene Wheeler Benjamin |
1882 |
The Evolution of the American Yacht
Martin Black |
2012 |
G.L. Watson - The Art & Science of Yacht Design
Jill Bobrow |
2011 |
Les Grands Yachts Classiques
William Henry Bunting |
1974 |
Steamers, Schooners, Cutters, & Sloops - Marine Photographs of N. L. Stebbins taken from 1884 to 1907
Keith Beken |
1959 |
Glory of Sail 1945-1959
Keith Beken |
1966 |
Glory of Sail 1897-1914
Kenneth Beken, Christian Février |
1981-2004 |
Cent Ans de Voile
Kenneth Beken |
1990 |
The America's cup - 1851 to the present
Kenneth Beken, William Collier |
1999 |
L'Album Beken
Kenneth Beken, Bruno Cianci |
2014 |
Voiliers de Légende
Robert W. Carrick, Richard Henderson |
1983-1995 |
John G. Alden and his Yacht Designs
John Bevan-Smith |
1999 |
Bruce Farr, Russell Bowler - The Shape of Speed
Daniel Charles |
1980 |
Le yachting - une histoire d'hommes et de techniques
Daniel Charles, Corine Renié |
1991 |
Yachts & Yachtsmen - Les Chasseurs de Futurs 1870-1914
Daniel Charles |
1994 |
Le mystère Caillebotte - l'œuvre architecturale de Gustave Caillebotte, peintre impressionniste, jardinier, philatéliste et régatier
Daniel Charles |
2005 |
Tuiga 1909
Edward Keble Chatterton |
1922 |
Fore & Aft Craft and their story - an account of the fore & aft rig from the earliest times to the present day
François Chevalier |
2000 |
Tours du monde à la voile de Magellan à nos jours
François Chevalier |
2008 |
Histoire de la Louis Vuitton Cup - 25 ans de régates pour conquérir l'America's Cup
François Chevalier |
2015 |
La Grande Histoire de la Petite Coupe
François Chevalier, Noëlle Duck |
2004 |
Yachts Classiques
François Chevalier, Gilles Martin-Raget |
1998 |
Yachts Classiques
François Chevalier, Gilles Martin-Raget |
2007 |
Mythiques Yachts Classiques
François Chevalier, Gilles Martin-Raget |
2010 |
Bateaux en Bois
François Chevalier, Gilles Martin-Raget |
2016 |
Les bateaux qui volent
François Chevalier, Gilles Martin-Raget |
2019 |
Voiliers de Rêve
François Chevalier, Jacques Taglang |
1987 |
America's Cup Yacht Designs 1851-1986
François Chevalier, Jacques Taglang |
1991 |
American & British Yacht Designs 1870-1887, Vol I, Vol II
François Chevalier, Jacques Taglang |
1993 |
Velox Ex-Zemajteij 1875-1914
François Chevalier, Jacques Taglang |
2002 |
C. Maurice Chevreux |
1898-1991 |
Traité de la Construction des Yachts à Voiles, Vol I, Vol II
Stephen Chipperfield |
2009 |
Royal Huisman - 125 years
Arthur Hamilton Clark |
1904 |
The History of Yachting 1600-1815
Andrew R. Claughton, John F. Wellicome, Ramanand Ajit Shenoi |
1998 |
Sailing Yacht Design, Vol I, Vol II
Roland Folger Coffin |
1885 |
The America's Cup - How it was won by the Yacht America in 1851 and has been defended ever since
William Collier, Franco Pace |
1998 |
Classic Sails - The Ratsey & Lapthorn Story
William Collier, Franco Pace |
2000 |
Charles E. Nicholson et ses voiliers
Frederic Schiller Cozzens |
1887 |
Yachts and Yachting
Tom Cunliffe |
2001 |
Pilot Schooners of North America and Great Britain
Tom Cunliffe |
2013 |
Pilot Cutters under Sail
Manfred Curry |
1925 |
L'aérodynamique de la voile et l'art de gagner les régates
Richard Dalton |
2002 |
British Royal Yachts - A Complete Illustrated History
Philippe Daryl |
1890 |
Le Yacht - Histoire de la Navigation Maritime de Plaisance
Ian Dear |
1977-1999 |
J-Class - Enterprise to Endeavour
Ian Dear |
2001 |
Camper & Nicholsons - Two Centuries of Yacht Building
May Fife McCallum |
1998 |
Fast & Bonnie - A History of William Fife & Son, Yachtbuilders
Robert Fisher, Kimball Livingston, Mark Chisnell |
2013 |
Sailing on the Edge and supplement
Henry Coleman Folkard |
1901 |
The sailing boat, a treatise on sailing boats and small yachts, their varieties of type, sails, rig
Captain Seymour Fortescue |
1911 |
King Edward VII as a yachtsman
Uffa Fox |
1934 |
Sailing, Seamanship and Yacht Construction
Uffa Fox |
1935 |
Uffa Fox's Second Book, a companion volume to Sailing, Seamanship and Yacht Construction
Richard B. Grassby |
1994 |
Ship, Sea & Sky - The Marine Art of James Edward Buttersworth
Montague John Guest |
1902 |
The Royal Yacht Squadron
Maj. Brooke Heckstall-Smith |
1911 |
Encyclopædia Britannica - Yachting
Maj. Brooke Heckstall-Smith, Ernest Du Boulay |
1949 |
The Complete Yachtsman
Lewis Francis Herreshoff |
1953 |
Capt. Nat Herreshoff, the Wizard of Bristol
Lewis Francis Herreshoff |
1963-2007 |
The Golden Age of Yachting
Ron Holland |
2018 |
All The Oceans, Designing by the seat of my pants
Ed Holm |
1999 |
L'Age d'Or du Yachting 1880-1905
George Foster Howell |
1876 |
Howell's Steam Vessels and Marine Engines
Llewellyn Howland III |
2014 |
No Ordinary Being - W. Starling Burgess, Inventor, Naval Architect, Poet, Aviation Pioneer
John Irving |
1936 |
The Kings' Britannia
Gary Jobson |
1999 |
An America's Cup Treasury - The Lost Levick Photographs 1893-1937
Dyer Jones, Luigi Lang |
2001 |
The 12 Metre Class - The History of the International 12 Metre Class from the First International Rule to the America's Cup
David A. Kaplan |
2007 |
Mine's Bigger - Tom Perkins and the Making of the Greatest Sailing Machine Ever Built
Dixon Kemp, Chasse-Marée |
1896-1993 |
Manuel de yachting et de canotage, Vol I, Vol II et série française
Dixon Kemp |
1897 |
Yacht Architecture
Dixon Kemp, Maj. Brooke Heckstall-Smith |
1900 |
A Manual of Yacht and Boat Sailing
Ahmed John Kenealy |
1899 |
Yachting Wrinkles - A Practical and Historical Handbook of Valuable Information for the Racing and Cruising Yachtsman
Klaus Kramer |
2001 |
Max Oertz - Genie, Yachtkonstrukteur, Aeronaut und Erfinder
Lucia del Sol Knight, Daniel Bruce MacNaughton |
2005 |
The Encyclopedia of Yacht Designers
Charles Philip Kunhardt, Jonathan Wilson |
1891-1985 |
Small Yachts - Their Design and Construction
Thomas William Lawson, Winfield Martin Thompson |
1902 |
The Lawson History of the America's Cup - A Record of Fifty Years
John Leather |
1982 |
The Big Class Racing Yachts
John Leather, Maclure, Macdonald and Co. |
2003 |
The Clyde Collection, 1898 season
Michael Lewis |
1999 |
The New New Thing
Lloyd's Register |
1902 |
Register of Yachts
Orison Swett Marden |
1901 |
Herreshoff, the yacht builder
Pierre Henri Marin |
1981 |
Pilotes - Les Hirondelles de la Manche, pilotes du Havre
Agnès Mathieu |
1995 |
Le nouveau cours des Glénans
Marcel Oliver |
2004 |
Le Vagnon de la Voile
Franco Pace |
1998 |
William Fife - Master of the Classic Yacht
Franco Pace |
2006 |
La dynastie Herreshoff et la Coupe de l'America
Christopher L. Pastore |
2005 |
Temple to the Wind - The Story of America's Greatest Naval Architect and His Masterpiece, Reliance
Douglas Hextall Chedzey Phillips-Birt |
1974 |
The History of Yachting
Douglas Hextall Chedzey Phillips-Birt |
1976 |
Sailing Yacht Design
Barry Pickthall, Conny van Rietschoten |
1979 |
Flyer - The quest to win the Round the World Race
Barry Pickthall |
2002 |
Germán Frers - A Passion for Design
David Pitman |
2014 |
Ranger to Rainbow
Robert Taylor Pritchett |
1894 |
The Badminton Library of Sports & Pastimes - Yachting, Vol I, Vol II
François Puget |
2013 |
Voiles de Plaisance en France - 100 Ans d'Histoire
François Puget |
2017 |
Yachting: Histoire des yachts en fer - Nantes 1850-1902
Thierry Rannou |
1985 |
En course autour du monde par les trois caps
Claudie Reinhart |
1969 |
Les Pilotes du Havre 1806-1914
Morris & Stanley Rosenfeld, Franco Giorgetti |
1999 |
Voiliers d'Amérique
John Rousmaniere |
1983 |
The America's Cup 1851-1983
John Rousmaniere |
1986 |
The Golden Pastime - A new History of Yachting
John Rousmaniere |
1987 |
The Low Black Schooner - America 1851-1945
John Rousmaniere |
2003 |
Sleek - Classic Images from the Rosenfeld Collection
John Rousmaniere |
2008 |
The New York Yacht Club - A History, 1844-2008
Jean Sans |
2006 |
Histoire des jauges depuis 1835
Alan Sefton |
2005 |
Sir Peter Blake - An Amazing Life
David W. Shaw |
2002 |
America's Victory - The Heroic Story of a Team of Ordinary Americans, and how They Won the Greatest Yacht Race Ever
Matthew Sheahan |
2016 |
SWAN - A Unique Story - Through 50 Years of Yachting Evolution
Hal Sisk |
2014 |
Dublin Bay - The Cradle of Yacht racing
Norman Locke Skene |
1904-1938 |
Elements of Yacht Design
Jack Arthur Somer |
1993 |
Juliet - The Creation of a Masterpiece
Olin James Stephens II |
1999 |
All this and sailing too
Olin James Stephens II |
2002 |
Lines - A Half-century of Yacht Designs by Sparkman & Stephens, 1930-1980
William Picard Stephens |
1904 |
American Yachting
William Picard Stephens |
1939-1989 |
Traditions & Memories of American Yachting - The 50th Anniversary Edition
Herbert Lawrence Stone |
1914 |
The America's Cup Races
Françoise de Maulde, Jacques Taglang |
1990 |
Sir Thomas Lipton
Jacques Taglang |
2010 |
Mariette & The Herreshoff Schooners, Vol I, Vol II
Jacques Taglang |
2014 |
The Runa Saga
Harold Stirling Vanderbilt |
1931 |
Enterprise - The Story of the America's Cup in 1930
Wiel Verlinden, Franco Pace |
2014 |
Elin Kragset Vold, Ole Engen |
2003-2013 |
Johan Anker - Master of yacht design
Lord Dunraven |
1892 |
International Yachting
Lord Dunraven, Charles Pryer |
1897 |
The Encyclopedia of sport - Yachting
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