Articles of Interest

Still deciding on articles to invest in, but a few that have caught my eye include:

George de Cuevas

Sara Modiano

Alberto Gómez Gómez

Ghobad Shiva

Shigeo Fukuda

Stanisław Czerski

Saul Bass

Andrés Useche

David Consuegra

This user is or was a participant in Wiki Education's Scholars & Scientists Program.

Article to Investigate / Write?

Isabel Urbina Peña

Isabel Urbina Peña is a Venezuelan graphic designer. She runs her own studio in Brooklyn that focuses on lettering, book covers and designs, typeface design and branding. Her previous clients include The New York Times, BuzzFeed, Refinery29, and The New York Historical Society. She used to run Yes, Equal, a database of women in the creative fields that has since been archived.

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