Come one come all and abandone all hope yeh who enter within!
I am a user (quite shocking,isnt it?) and this is a user page.
How old am I?What is my name?Those are the secrets,witch I alone know and shall not reveal.
I live within the boundaries of the Czech Republic,sleeping like Mighty Cthulhu and awaiting that I may rise and tear the stars from the heavens and reign supreme for all eternity.
I am as old as the stars of that shine upon the Land of thrice acursed Leng.I am a friend of the Emperor Thuba Mleen,who reigns the lands beyond the desert and who helped crush Bethmoora.
I obtained my first employment in the services of the Dagon,crushing the minor lords that wished to rule the seas.
Then I was the last priest of a cathedral In Arras,before it was destroyed.
Afterwards I had morned upon the burial of Pan.
In my spare time I watch the rafts of They that write.
I bid farewell bold travelers who had the courage to venture within the unknown and laugh at those,whom cowardice prevents from ever leaving the doorsteps of their own home.
(And I apologize for the un-imaginible amount of Nonsence and Gobbledygook found here,yet I am bound by heart and liver to The Great Writers of days long past.)
At last I bid,good luck to you all.
"Along the shore the cloud waves breaks, The twin suns sink behind the lake, The shadows lengthen
In Carcosa.
Strange is the night where black stars rise, And strange moons circle through the skies, But stranger still is ..................................
Lost Carcosa.
Songs that the Hyades shall sing, Where flap the tatters of the King, Must die unheard in ....................................
Dim Carcosa.
Song of my soul, my voice is dead, Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed Shall dry and die in ...................................
Lost Carcosa."
Casilldas song from the King in Yellow,R.W.Chambers
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