Hi... This is my page.
I suppose I should type a brief intro here. Maybe later.
Indianapolis Colts
Small towns in Indiana, like Coatesville or Terre Haute
Japanese stuff (especially things in Sendai or soccer-related)
Now, I'm preoccupied with making copyfree maps, and editing train stuff (see below)
Microprocessor design
80s trivia or music
Anything random that pops up as a result of the above or by the random article link
Japanese Railway Templates
removed out-dated info . Many lines are complete now, thanks to the ongoing efforts of WP:TIJ .
Soccer team templates
User:Neier/Soccer templates - a compendium of discussions about various soccer team templates
My sandboxes
{{ JapanTrainCite1988 }} with page number as parameter
JR全線全駅ステーション倶楽部編(上) [Complete JR Line/Station Compendium (Vol. 1) ] (in Japanese). Tokyo, Japan: Bunshun Bunko. September 1988. p. 1-1000. ISBN 4-16-748701-2 .
This user lives in Japan . この利用者は日本 に住んでいます。
User:Neier/MācrōnName Link to macron article, which has a non-macron redirect, just to see if Google will pick up the non-macron name for a search.
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