Original and derivative works:
Added color to diagram of the brachial plexus
Illustration of important equilibrium structures of thazolium ring for article on
Thiamine pyrophosphate.
Diagram of regions of the stomach.
A very rough schematic of the sacral plexus that I, nonetheless, find clearer than Netter's.
Diagram of allosteric competitive inhibition.
Another mechanism of allosteric competitive inhibition. Apparently some people call this "non-competitive" inhibition.
Diagram of the lumbar plexus based on Gray's anatomy.
Diagram of non-competitive inhibition.
Cross section of the thigh vectorized and adapted from a public domain version of gray's anatomy.
Added arteries to bone structure.
Or you can just check out this numbered version for something a little less cluttered.
Diagram depicting cross-linking of bacterial cell walls by penicillin binding proteins.
Extended version of previous diagram showing how penicillin inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis via suicide inhibition.
A simple diagram of binary fission.
Illustration of what happens when a bacterium tries to divide in the presence of a cell-wall synthesis inhibitor like penicillin.
A diagram depicting one possible mechanism of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics. Modeled on mecA resistance to methicillin.
Vacomycin: mechanism of action and resistance
Stained horizontal section through the lower part of the pons.
Illustration of lead time bias.
Illustration of length time bias
Blood pressure and glucose screening form made with images from the commons and open
An illustration of a simple genetic complementation test. Unfortunately, I can't take credit for the flies.
Annotation of the structure of cholic acid showing its relationship to other bile acids.
Synthesis of the remaining 10 bile acids (2 secondary, 8 conjugated) from the two primary bile acids.
Dissection of prostate showing urethra and seminal colliculus within.
Cross section of penis with emphasis on fascial layers.
edit count
Major Contributions
Articles to which I've made my most significant contributions with their approximate number of page views per day:
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