Hello to any who find themselves here. As of now I do not intend to do much with my personal page. It instead is a space that I intend to use to brainstorm ideas and collect information for edits and pages that I intend to do. PLEASE DON'T get rid of current information.
It will likely look very disorganized.
Please feel free to contribute information to existing topics if you would like :)
"Contact me" messenger
If you would like to assist me with my "Ideas" or have some information to contribute, please leave the comment below. Please date messages and be civil. If you are contacting me for another reason, please use the Talk page.
Ex: 01/15/2017 : [Insert message here]
N64 info - (Potential?) Add/update information
Sources: Tech site, N64 Squad, Ultra 64, N64 prog-man,
Note: "Tech Site source", "N64 Squad", and "Ultra 64" has numerous sub pages. Sort through info.
2) Add blurb about HDMI home brew modification
3) The Wiki pages for the N64 and affiliate "items" are NOT well associated. Ensure that the main article has references to all of the affiliated pages/groups.
4) SDK INFO: emuparadise,
N64 Dev. Info - (Potential?) Add/update information
Sources: Dev. Hardware site,
Doctor v64 - Add/update information
sources: Fan-wiki, Tech Site (Sub section), MOD & PICS,
Doctor v64 Jr. - Add/update information
Partner-N64 - Add/update information
sources: P-N64 Devkit site, Tech Site (subsection),
"NOT FOR RESALE" Cartridges - Add/update information
- Add a section to the N64 Games list wiki or create new page detailing the "NOT FOR RESALE" Cartridges.
NOTE: Several of these cartridges have multiple variations: Capture this.
N64 Monegi Multi Viewer (MMV) - Create Wiki or add to N64 Programming
Sources: MMV page,
64 DD - Add/update information
2) Discuss developmental DD64 units (including known special units)
3) (Potentially) Discuss DD64 Gray vs blue disks. Note about region locking. Note that contents may still be able to be captured even if cartridge is unreadable or appears empty.
N64 Accessories -
1) Add/Update information on third party devices. This section is severely lacking on information. Create new wiki pages if need be.
Across N64 Wiki's: Add device pictures. Many of the devices and articles do not have image archives for them on Wikipedia .
1)Add information about development hardware and other accessories (EX:Professor SF/ Professor SF 2)
- Research needed
2) Add pictures to Wiki
References Historical Archive
This section is where I will be moving information references after I have updated or created the wiki in which I reference them. This section is purely for continuity purposes.
*** At this time no information has been archived ***
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