Hey I'm Mark!
This is my first time in Wikipedia. Hope to receive some amazing inputs from other users. My main project is about Greek mythology, so I'm really keen to edit the said pages for encyclopedic references for other users of Wikipedia. I wanted to prove people that Wikipedia pages were factual enough to be a good source of information.
Tzetzes ad Lycophron
- Sphinx - daughter of Laius
- Lampus and Phaethon - horses of Day
- Heliades - brother of Bellerophon
- Amisodorus - father of Chimera
- Rhoeo - daughter of Scamander and mother of Tithonus by Laomedon
- Clearchus - another name of Learchus, son of Ino and Athamas
- Melia, Katis and Hellen - other names for the sons of Phrixus and Chalciope
- Erythros and Titon - other names for the children of Themisto and Athamas
- Krios - friend of Helle and Phrixus
- Bateia - sister of Teucer and wife of Dardanus
- Democoon and Onites - other names for the sons of Heracles and Megara
- Deiphobus - Arcadian king who purified Heracles
- Iphiboe - mother of Augeas by Helios
- Gigas - son of Hermes and Iereias
- Ischenus - son of Gigas
- Iocastus - son of Aeolus
- Scylla - lover of Poseidon
- Haemon - father of Amalthaea
- Ennomus - son of Architelus, killed by Heracles
- Teutarus - mentor of Heracles in archery
- Eriboea - other name for Alcestis
- Philius - another name for Philaeus, son of Ajax and Lysidice
- Oeneus - father of Oenoe
- Cresse - daughter of the Danaid nymph Cresse and Apollo
- Theia - daughter of Oceanus
- Amphimachos and Donakinos - took Ino’s and Palaemon’s dead bodies to Sisyphus
- Eurykleia - daughter of Ino and Athamas
- Balenike - aka Athena, daughter of Bronteus and mother of Erichthonius by Hephaestus
- Torone - daughter of Poseidon and Phoenice, wife of Proteus
- Ichnaia - aka Themis, daughter of the Sun
To Do
Index Page
- Antheia - Hesperides
- Athos
- Cleodora
- Helen - c. of Zeus
- Helice - d. of Lycaon
- Iocaste - m. of Agamedes
- Itylus - f. of Astyoche
- Leo
- Mimas
- Niobe - wife of Alalcomeneus
- Pasiphae
- Persephone - d. of Minyas
- Phemius
- Phrixus
- Thaumas
- Thetis
To Edit
- Agamedes
- Alexander
- Anaxagoras
- Antinous
- Creon
- Demoleon
- Electryon
- Eupeithes
- Eridanus (river of Hades)
- Eumelus
- Idomeneus
- Tmolus
- Trophonius
- Charops - son of Hippasus
- Socus
- Hyllus
- Amazons
- Centaurs
- Danaids
- Niobids
- Sacrificial victims of Minotaur
- Satyrs
- Suitors of Penelope
- Potamoi
- List of Trojan War characters
- Dactyls
- Corybantes
- Curetes
- Naiads
- Nymphs
- Nereids
- Oceanids
- Hyades
- Nurses of Zeus
- Nurses of Dionysus
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