Who Be Me
My name is Marcus Pan. Well, actually, not really. Marcus Pan is my pen name and stage name and that's good enough for here methinks.
By day I'm a Technical Writer for a major tech company in New Jersey. I also reside in NJ as well with my wife, Laura, and three children, Sophia, Felicia and Joshua. I'm a music journalist and editor of Legends Magazine. I also play bass guitar for Manhattan goth rock band Bitter Grace. I coach girls' soccer teams on weekends.
What Me Wiki
When I get tired of writing long winded articles on the technical ramifications of farting on a VoIP line and whether or not the low-decibel Herz level of the fartation will be properly carried and handled by the switch at the hub of the pub...which as you can imagine is typically daily...I come here and copyedit or write something different. Most of the articles I'd write for Wikipedia will probably be related in some way to music. Obscure album and band entries, music labels...things like that. Mostly. Who knows...I've written bunches of anything over the years.
Another thing I tend to do is copyedit. I have a fixation for grammar and punctuation that borders on the pedantic and it's not unusual at all for me to be reading an article I looked up out of pure interest and decide to set the commas to rights. It's a byproduct of being the editor of Legends. If you looked at my contributions page you'll note the significant number of minor edits that are just this sort of thing.
What Say You
Direct any comments or criticisms, lambastings and pot roastings, finger pointing and nose picking, fart knocking and bum bubbelling to my Talk page. I'm quite a likable fellow. That could be a lie.
Writ Do I
Favorite articles that I've written from scratch:
- Bitter Grace
- Club Rare
- Legends Magazine
- Album: God and the Abyss
- Album: Shimmer
- Album: The Blind Watchmaker
Additionally, when I get tired of moving around commas, writing about the latest album from obscure music groups or otherwise delving here, I'll go to Uncyclopedia and, in the words of Arthur Dent, decide to go mad for a little while.
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