Some articles or sections I have created:
- Historical method#Source criticism
- There Be Dragons
- Nicolas Zafra
- Edward Grant (Historian and philosopher)
- Thomas Goldstein (Historian of Science)
- Interior life (Catholic theology)
- Divine filiation
- Thanksgiving after Communion
- Spiritual Communion
- Mental prayer
- God: Sole Satisfier
- The Way (book)
- Catholic imagination
- Criticism of Protestantism
- Supernumerary
- Relativism#The_Catholic_Church_and_relativism
- Roman_Catholic_Church#Laity
- Roman_Catholic_Church#Cultural_influence. This has also become a separate article: Role_of_the_Roman_Catholic_Church_in_civilization [1] [2][3]
- Pope_Benedict_XVI#Teachings [4]
- Agnosticism#Religious_scholars
- Truth#Ratzinger
- Pontifical University of the Holy Cross - one of my alma maters
- Raoul, founder of Vaucelles Abbey - St. Raul, my patron saint
- Raoul of Turenne - St. Raul, another patron saint
Articles or sections where I have contributed substantially:
- Jesus#Principal_view - Pliny the Younger, list of Jesus's claim to divinity, trilemma, Rabbi Neusner.
- José_Rizal#Retraction_controversy
- Scarborough Shoal: Claim by the Philippines
- Opus Dei
- Teachings of Opus Dei
- Peter Kreeft
- Scott_Hahn#Conversion_to_Catholicism [5]
- Christian materialism
- Mortification of the flesh
- Sign of contradiction
- Deus caritas est
- Shema Yisrael
- Truth#Correspondence theory
- Catholic Church - this is an old version of the article (2006) on the Catholic Church when I was contributing much to the article.
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