- 2004 RfAs - 44KB
- 2005 RfAs - 77KB
- 2006 RfAs - 77KB
- 2007 RfAs - 81KB
- 2008 RfAs - 34KB
- 2009 RfAs - <30KB
Alternatively, you can view all the RfA stats on a single page. (300k+)
Please note that due to the nature of old RFA closures, later votes were often added and weren't removed. Majorly did go round and remove all such votes, and fixed all the end tallies that hadn't been fixed, but this was seen as disruptive by User:Jayjg and he was blanket reverted. There are some RFAs, however, that have totally incorrect tallies, and should of course be fixed, and Majorly will continue to fix them to keep this data as accurate as possible.
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