Martin Helme Languages Writing Systems huEnnek a szerkesztőnek magyar az anyanyelve. ipaəThis user fully understands the International Phonetic Alphabet. en-5This user can contribute with a professional level of English. Latn-5AThis user has full understanding of the Latin script. ro-3Acest utilizator poate contribui cu un nivel avansat de română. Goth-3𐌰This user has an advanced understanding of the Gothic alphabet. ja-2この利用者は中級の日本語ができます。 Ital-2𐌄This user has an intermediate understanding of the Old Italic scripts. de-1Dieser Benutzer hat grundlegende Deutschkenntnisse. Phnx-2𐤀This user has an intermediate understanding of the Phoenician alphabet. Grek-5ΩThis user has full understanding of the Greek alphabet. Copt-2ϢThis user has an intermediate understanding of the Coptic script. Cyrl-5ДThis user has full understanding of the Cyrillic script. HrktあThis user has an understanding of the Katakana or Hiragana. 漢字-3This user has an advanced understanding of the Kanji script. TengThis user has an understanding of the Tengwar. No tags for this post. Navigeerimine Raul KirjanenKivisildnik
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