I am a working locomotive engineer, passenger, on the Metro North New Haven Line.(now Ret.)
Interested in electric traction, trains & trams, unusual track alignments, etc.
Email welcome. Questions welcomed on talk/discussion page, from account holders.
Rail links (verified 9-16-2012)
Turnouts (switches)
- Railroad_switch Turnout basics
- http://www.du.edu/~jcalvert/railway/turnout.htm Turnouts, by J. B. Calvert - advanced
Double & Triple Rails
- Gauntlet_track Interlaced track
- Dual_gauge Dual & Triple gauge - 3 & 4 rails
Single Rails
- http://www.monorails.org/tMspages/scrunch2005a.html Monorail "pinch" track - oops!
- http://www.monorails.org/tMspages/Niles.html Build your own monorail - fascinating
Variable Gauge wheelsets
- Variable gauge axles Change gauge, on the fly!
- the CAF system (two good wmv clips)
- the Talgo system click on "Variable Gauge Axles" (nice diagram)
- http://www.steamlocomotive.com/model/trackage.shtml Helixes, Tunnels, Spirals, and Other Unique Trackage
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