Hi. I'm Keith. I like to contribute. I don't know how this happened, but I originally got myself heavily involved in historical art (primarily 10th through 18th century) and its timelines. Now I'm focused on providing content and support of the Women in Red project (in particular women in literature), trying to close the gap on systemic bias against women. Also when the mood strikes me, I periodically copy edit spelling and grammar issues.

I don't have a lot of spare time, but I like to contribute my fair share.

Starting in May 4, 2006, I've since marked my sixteen year anniversary editing on Wikipedia. Over that time I have made over 21,000 edits, including the creation of over 2,200 articles, most of the them for the powers of good. Admittedly a number of my articles started off as stubs, but since many have been expanded on repeatedly I am encouraged to believe that my efforts are not for naught. Have a nice day!

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