Kail Ceannai has been using this screen name for five years now, though in a few Internet locations is still known by the less unique name "Valkyrie." On the web she is most often found lurking at fanfiction.com. She joined Wikipedia to help repair the disparaging lack of IT in Wikipedia.
Age: 25
Sex: Both
Profession: Student
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- American Society for Engineering Educators
- all things computer
- anime
- fan fiction
- cooking
- Zigbee
Wiki "Projects"
Current Wikipages I am working on:
- digital paper
initial information- additional information
Future plans of attack:
- digital pen
- Anoto functionality
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Kail Ceannai 21:50, 2005 May 9 (UTC)
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