Today is Saturday, 22 March 2025, and the current time is 05:03 (UTC/GMT). There are currently 6,970,093 articles. Purge this page for a new update.
Some about me
In short
 | This user is interested in open access to research literature. |
I am an associate professor in Applied Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at the School of Technology (Escuela Politécnica) of the University of Extremadura, in Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain. Previously, I studied Mathematics and Statistics as an undegraduate student of the University of Málaga and Mathematical Analysis and Statistics and Computer Science and Engineering as a postgraduate student of the University of Extremadura. My Post-Graduate Certificate in Research in Computer Science and Engineering and my PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, specializing in computer languages and systems were also awarded by the University of Extremadura. I am a research member of the Applied Telematic Engineering and Advanced Communications (GITACA) research group (since 2005) and of the mathematics teaching innovation group (INDOMA), at the University of Extremadura.
My research mainly focuses on aspects of effectively computable (hyper-)knowledge representation and interpretation and their free/libre & open use, transmission, spreading and non-profit exploitation.
Me on other wiki's
Projects on Wikipedia
Humanities, Science, Technology and Society (on the Spanish Wikipedia, for the time being)
Aula de Humanidades Juanelo Turriano (Segunda edición) [Juanelo Turriano Humanities Lecture Hall (Second edition)]
University projects
On the English Wikipedia
On the Spanish Wikipedia
Matters of interest
On Wikipedia
Wikipedia books
- Main page: Wikipedia:Books
- Main page: Wikipedia:WikiProject
- and:
Essays and research
Sandbox and subpages
- English Wikipedia
- Working on (sandbox and subspaces)
- Subpages
- Spanish Wikipedia
- Working on (sandbox and subspaces)
- Subpages
Please, do not hesitate to contact me:
About this page on the English Wikipedia
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