I am a writer, journalist and translator living in the south of France. I like to add articles about culture and literature in the south of France, especially material that might defy broad anglophone stereotypes of the region (no Peter Mayle!). All suggestions for article subjects or translations of articles about the south of France from FR>EN are welcome.
Värsked postitused
- Siseinfo: USA-d ei rahulda Ukraina puhul ainult maavarade lepe – nõutakse palju enam
- Vene endine president edastas sõnumi Prantsuse riigipeale: Olge ettevaatlikud oma tuuma-arsenaliga
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- Kirjanduspreemia nominent Kairi Look: mälestused annavad elus hoogu ja tuge
- Anekdoot: ma nägin öösel unes, et minust sai Maa president!
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