Graduate of Robinson College, University of Cambridge. Completed LPC. Training contract with major City law firm.
To do list
This to do list has not been changed in 2 years. If ever I find the time, and if since then they haven't been brought up to scratch anyway, I'll work on:
- R v Secretary of State for the Home Department Ex p Doody
- Kay v. Lambeth LBC
- DPP v Majewski - specific intent and all that jazz
- McGhee v. National Coal Board -- mesothelioma cases, Compensation Act 2006, issues of causation, "materially increased risk"
- Re Polemis - Polemis directness. Woot.
- Compensation Act 2006 -- background, effect, claims management, response to the mesothelioma cases
- European Communities Act 1972 (UK)
- Statute of Frauds 1677 - there is a page for "statute of frauds" in general, which digressed into US law. Would be nice to discuss the actual Statute, background (Slade's case, professional perjury, etc.)
- Court of Exchequer Chamber - history, appointment, clashes with the King's Bench & Common Pleas
- Courts of the United Kingdom - history, present, 2009 reform
- Common Bench
- Blasphemy law in the United Kingdom
- Duty of care in English law - requires complete rewrite. Maybe merge with standard of care - seeing as the standard defines the duty?
- Standard of care in English law - this needs a LOT of work. Historical background to the common duty of care; also the reasonable man, reasonable professional, reasonable 12-y-o schoolgirl, etc.
- Common law#History of the common law - low priority
- Bill of Middlesex
Roman law
Plan to build a proper framework for classical/post-classical Roman law when I have the chance.
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