I'll be picking up and answering the mail, but otherwise there's nobody home. Nobody appreciated the honest efforts, nothing but angry reactions and crispated lectures. No team spirit to be found.
"What am I doing walking in the day with a lantern? I'm looking for an honest man." – (Diogenes)
Issar El-Aksab was the name of a famous writer and poet from Yughuristan. The day you finally see a Wikipedia article on Yughuristan, you'll know who I am.
You can contact me directly via my blog: http://p-04referent.blogspot.com/
Any comment posted there is automatically e-mailed to me, while I may be absent from Wikipedia for variable periods of time.
"Some people in this world have worth. Others have a price." – (Issar El-Aksab)
"Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise." – (Bertrand Russell)
I bet Old Bertie once tried to contribute to Wikipedia and got himself a [citation needed] tag...
I'm no expert in Wikipedia rules, I just have two years of professional experience teaching University courses after 9½ years of studies, plus a good deal of general culture in various subjects and some literary talent. Maybe this counts as competence.
As the poet said: ".وقل لمن يدّعي في العلم فلسفةً، حفظت شيأً وغابت عنك أشياء" "Tell the man who claims great knowledge at science, that he's learned one thing, and missed a great many."
The truly wise person is forever humble, forgiving, and listening to others.
"No matter how old or experienced you become, you'll always be someone's student." – (Chinese wisdom)
Translated for Wikipedia: You'll always be somebody's newbie. Life is forever learning. Yes, that's the Big Secret.
"He who one day stops learning has never truly been learning." So thank you, Wikipedia.
Don't be surprised if learning often appears difficult, even VERY difficult. Happiness is nice, but there's little incentive to learn in it.
"The harshest times of my life are those that taught me the most." – (Marcel Proust)
Happiness, true happiness, is more like the reward of learning. – (Issar El-Aksab)
Half of the truth is the worst of lies, because it has the flavor of truth. Remember that next time you think you "more or less" know something. Especially in our era of worldwide global propaganda.
"Timeo hominem ad unum librum": I dread the man of a single bok. – (Saint Augustine)
Especially true when it's a religious book. Fanaticism and misled ignorance in a nutshell.
"Why isn't "use common sense" an official policy? It doesn't need to be; as a fundamental principle, it is above any policy."
I am a.. WikiVampire Slayer and vow to end their tyranny! |
"I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it." – (Edith Sitwell)
At the opposite end of the spectrum, this is how I love to work on Wikipedia: a user with more practical competence majorly transforming my unrefined contributions into something impeccable, where only the original spirit remains. This is how Wikipedia works when it works perfectly: teamwork, with each bringing his own talents into the endeavour.
Now, if only it always functioned that way...
About this user
(admit it, you were curious) This user's proverbial modesty is only the greatest of his countless qualities. How modest? Well, I even asked the Guinness committee to remove my record from their book. This user takes humour very seriously, because humour is very important in life. Knowledge is power, but my electricity is pretty shaky. This user proudly lives in a country where the national modesty is almost as impressive as the quality of the electricity and internet access. (This message sponsored by the Yughur Ministry of Tourism. Please keep your safety helmets on and your heads inside the armored vehicle at all times.) This user speaks several languages. Including one I've invented. But since nobody else speaks it yet and Cavespeak is becoming slightly outdated, English will do if you want to communicate conveniently. |
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