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My personal arbitrarily featured article on a non-Anglo-American topic (AFANAAT), in collaboration with random article, is currently:
- Dongaksan (again, a first try!)
- Wikipedia is supposed to reflect global knowledge, but the English Wikipedia contains mostly Western and especially Anglo-American topics - disregarding other cultures, including the many non-Western English-speaking countries. AFANAATs are a quick reminder to all of us (yes, also to me) to try to write a global encyclopedia. − Why we should care? When Anglo-Americans look something up and only find (long!) articles about themselves, they (understandably) tend to overlook how much there is to know about others - a powerful ingredient for ethnocentrism. When non-Anglo-Americans look something up and find virtually nothing about themselves, they (understandably) feel excluded and often second-class. − And let's face it, in many parts of the world, English is the international language, so the English Wikipedia is the free encyclopedia for many of us. So let us try to write an inclusive Wikipedia for all, celebrating the profound knowledge all cultures have to offer!
Previous arbitrarily featured articles on a non-Anglo-American topic were
- Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly election, 1952 (hey, another first try!)
- Bandaranayake College
- Hellenic Modeling Federation
- 1958 ICF Flatwater Racing World Championships (would you have guessed that the article is entirely non-Anglo-American?)
- Segagaga
- Berkersheim (Frankfurt am Main) (quite likely at the time the shortest AFANAAT to date!)
- Christoff Cliff
- Tobias Holmberg
- Crimean Karaites (then being the first hit on random article!! That was a first!).
- Battle of Riachuelo (so far the most elaborate of all AFANAATs! congrats to the authors!!)
- Sehrawat (AFANAAT from April 8 - 30, 2013. Article deleted on July 1, 2013)
- Battle of Bash Abaran
- Mercedes Margalot
- List of Presidents of the Swiss Confederation
- Panna caste
- Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields
- Gösta Knutsson
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