My name is Hilda Bastian. My interests revolve around ensuring people have easy, free access to the highest quality information based on reliable research - and increasing understanding about evidence and bias. On Wikipedia, I work mostly on biographies and images of women in STEM, as well as other under-represented groups and issues in STEM. I also sometimes edit medical pages.
I'm an Australian who moved to Germany to work on Gesundheitsinformation.de (German version) / Informed Health Online (English version). In 2011, I moved to the USA to work on PubMed projects at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), with its National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). In 2018, I moved back to Australia, finishing my doctoral dissertation (PhD awarded in 2020), and working on a biography.
I have a newsletter called Living With Evidence that's my central internet "home". I comment on the science of unbiased health research with cartoons, called Statistically Funny, and dig into the evidence on grief in memory of my son, Adam, at Grief Collection. I have a science-based blog Absolutely Maybe (blogging at Scientific American from 2013 to 2014, and from 2014 at PLOS Blogs Network). I was one of the founders of the Cochrane Collaboration, and I advise them on some controversial systematic reviews. I write at The Atlantic (my stories are here), and I'm active on Mastodon: @hildabast@mastodon.online.
The views I express in Wikipedia are my own, not official positions of organizations with which I am, or have been, involved.
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