My nickname comes because last year (2007) a friend of mine asked me to participate in the trial of a new game invented by him (so to speak). This game was a version of D & D changed, with landscaping in the Science-fictional universe of Star Wars. Since I am a fan of the saga could not create a character with a generic name, I had to develop a name able to contain my passion and that I liked. After many attempts of combinations, one afternoon in front of the mirror flashed through my head the idea to merge my passion for the great Han Solo and The timeless Highlander (Connor MacLeod). Thus was born the nickname Han McCloud (because Christopher Lambert in the third film in the guise of Connor, had pronounced the name like that), whom finished the game sessions, it became my nickname everywhere I Enroll.
Graduated in acting at the European Union Academy of Theater and Cinema "EUTHECA", based in Cinecittà, Rome
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