I am an avid daily (and nightly) user of wikipedia, and I feel like I will never be able to repay this community for everything it gave to me during the past 20 years or so. Anyways, after years and years of postponing, on 24 February 2018 I decided finally to register and I made my first little modification.
Since then, I have been editing some pages from time to time, mostly about mathematics (differential geometry) and mathematicians, as well as stuff I read/watched/bumped into, both in the English and the Italian wikipedia. Unfortunately, I have never committed too much time in it, but doing so is my constant new year resolution.
Since February 2021 I am more active, doing at least a couple of (non-minor) edits almost every week.
Pages I have created, translated and/or substantially improved
Here you can find the full list of my contributions (in reverse chronological order) and some contribution statistics.
- Algebroid (improved)
- Atiyah algebroid (improved)
- Cartan–Kähler theorem (improved)
- Darboux's theorem (improved)
- Differentiable stack (improved)
- Diffeology (improved from Start to C)
- Diffiety (improved from Stub to C)
- Distribution (differential geometry) (improved from Start to C)
- Dual bundle (improved from Stub to Start)
- Groupoid (improved)
- Groupoid object (improved from Stub to Start)
- Haefliger structure (improved)
- Lie algebroid (improved from Start to B)
- Lie group action (improved)
- Lie groupoid (improved from Start to B)
- Lie's third theorem (improved from Stub to Start)
- Microbundle (improved)
- Moser's trick (created)
- Orbifold (improved)
- Poisson–Lie group (improved)
- Poisson manifold (improved from Start to B) - published in the WikiJournal of Science
- Pseudogroup (improved)
- Weinstein's neighbourhood theorem (created)
Mathematics community:
- Alberto Cattaneo (improved from Stub to Start)
- Alain Connes (improved)
- Alexandre Mikhailovich Vinogradov (improved)
- André Haefliger (improved)
- André Lichnerowicz (improved from Start to C)
- André Lichnerowicz Prize (created and improved to Start level - translating from French)
- Alan Weinstein (improved from Stub to Start)
- Charles Ehresmann (improved from Stub to C)
- Charles-Michel Marle (improved to Start level)
- Colloquium Lectures (AMS) (created at Start level - partially translating from French)
- Descartes-Huygens Prize (created - translating from French)
- Eckhard Meinrenken (improved from Stub to Start)
- European Congress of Mathematics (improved from Stub to Start)
- Ezra Getzler (improved)
- Georges Reeb (improved)
- Giovanni Felder (improved from Stub to Start)
- Hans Duistermaat (improved from Start to C)
- Henri Cartan (improved from C to B)
- Ieke Moerdijk (improved from Stub to Start)
- Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi (improved - translating from Italian)
- Italian Mathematical Union (improved from Stub to Start - translating from Italian)
- Jean-Marie Souriau (improved from Start to C)
- Manfredo do Carmo (improved from Stub to C)
- Marius Crainic (created at Start level)
- Mauro Francaviglia (improved)
- Michèle Audin (improved from Start to C)
- Paulette Libermann (improved from Start to C)
- Peter J. Olver (improved)
- René Thom (improved)
- Richard Palais (improved to C level)
- Robert Bryant (mathematician) (improved from Start to C)
- Rui Loja Fernandes (improved from Stub to Start)
- Shlomo Sternberg (improved from Start to C)
- Victor Guillemin (improved from Stub to Start)
- Yakov Eliashberg (improved from Start to C)
Books, movies and tv-series:
- An Officer and a Spy (film) (improved from Start to C - translating from Italian)
- Antigone (1961 film) (improved from Stub to Start - translating from German)
- Around the World in 80 Days (2021 TV series) (improved from Start to C)
- Cathedral of the Sea (improved from Stub to Start)
- Die Nibelungen (1966–67 film) (improved from Start to C - translating from French and German)
- Eigen Kweek (improved from Stub to C - translating from Dutch)
- El ministerio del tiempo (improved)
- Freud (TV series) (improved from Start to C - translating from Italian and German)
- Grendel (film) (improved from Stub to Start - translating from German)
- Heirs to the Land (improved)
- Hobitit (improved)
- Leonardo (2021 TV series) (improved from Start to C - translating from Italian)
- Lola Montès (improved from Start to C - translating from German)
- Ludwig II (2012 film) (improved from Stub to C - translating from German and Italian)
- Luna Nera (improved from Start to C)
- Marie Curie: The Courage of Knowledge (improved from Stub to Start - translating from French and German)
- Marie Curie, une femme sur le front (created at Start level - translating from French)
- Maria Theresia (miniseries) (improved from Stub to C - translating from German)
- Mein Name ist Bach (improved from Stub to C - translating from German)
- Momo (TV series) (created at C level - translating from German)
- Mondo candido (improved from Stub to Start - translating from Italian)
- Norse Mythology (book) (improved)
- Romulus (TV series) (improved)
- Sisi (miniseries) (improved from Stub to C - translating from German and Italian)
- Socrates (film) (improved from Stub to C - translating from Italian)
- Strogoff (improved from Stub to Start - translating from Italian and German)
- The Bacchantes (film) (improved from Stub to Start)
- The Crown Prince (2006) (created at C level - translating from German)
- The Dragon's Blood (improved from Stub to Start - translating from German)
- The Infinite Worlds of H. G. Wells (improved from Start to C - partially translating from Italian)
- The Name of the Rose (miniseries) (improved from Start to C - translating from Italian)
- The Nightmare Worlds of H. G. Wells (improved from Stub to C)
- The Odyssey (1968 miniseries) (improved from Stub to C - translating from Italian)
- The Soul Keeper (improved from Stub to Start - translating from Italian)
- The Strauss Dynasty (created at C level - translating from German)
- The Wicked (1991 film) (improved from Stub to Start - translating from Italian)
- Treasure of the Petrified Forest (improved from Stub to Start - translating from German)
- Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture (improved from Stub to Start - partially translating from Italian)
- Wagner (film) (improved from Start to C - translating from German)
To-do list
Here are some pages I would like to substantially improve/update/expand in the (near or far) future, roughly divided by topics. Feel free to contribute!
Exterior differential systems
- Cartan–Kuranishi prolongation theorem
- Differential ideal
- Integrability conditions for differential systems
- Create separate page for EDS
- Lie bialgebroid
- Courant algebroid
- Courant bracket
- Dirac structures
- Morita equivalence (this page is only for rings; create a separate page for Lie groupoids)
- Representation up to homotopy
- Create page on Lie-Rinehart algebras
Basic differential geometry
- Adjoint bundle
- Associated bundle
- Atlas (topology)
- Connection (affine bundle)
- Frame bundle#Definition and construction
- Natural bundle
- Preimage theorem
- Local diffeomorphism
Symplectic geometry
Other geometric structures
Lie groups and algebra
- Continuous group action
- Lie algebra bundle
- Lie–Palais theorem
- Parabolic geometry
- Parabolic Lie algebra
- Representation of a Lie group
Mathematical physics
Other mathematics stubs and short/bad articles I would like to improve
- Orthonormal frame
- Simplicial manifold
- Analytic manifold
- Equivariant differential form
- Global analysis
- Polyvector field
- Manin triple
- Natural bundle
Other pages I plan to translate
- Accademia delle Scienze di Torino (translate from Italian to English)
- Alexandre Mikhailovich Vinogradov (translate from English to Italian)
- Board Game Arena (translate from French to English)
- Renato Einaudi (translate from Italian to English - and expand it in both languages, possibly creating Collegio Einaudi)
- Submersion (mathematics) (translate from English to Italian)
Other useful links for future work
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