Please edit with intellectual honesty. Mendacity will eventually wind up hoist on its own petard; integrity leaves a favorable impression, not just of you, but of whoever you're associated with. Trolling and revert-warring may turn Wikipedia into what you want, but giving Wikipedia a surrealistic bias against Albanians, Georgians, chiropractors and dissenters from the Soviet Union will not persuade anyone; it will only get people to write off the site as one more Internet den of conspiracy nuts. If you want people to admire your country/faction/movement/political party/banned-from-editing extortionist cult, go out into the real world, and do something that proves you're worth admiring.
This user tried to do the right thing and believed in good faith but got disillusioned and started to believe in bad faith. If this user has become paranoid, please let this user know.
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