Hi, I'm Eloi Montes. I'm a student born in 2001, and I live in Barcelona, where I was born.

In the Wikipedia

I'm not an English speaker, so, my english isn't the best, but I will do what I can writing here.

I like history, movies and games, but my main articles will be about history, more specifically, 20th century military history.

I will be more active in my catalan account https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usuari:Eloi_Montes

Articles created

AAC-1937 | Pistol F. Ascaso | Pistol Isard | NP-18 | NZ 85B | Lunge mine

Interesting websites

- https://tools.wmflabs.org/pageviews/?project=ca.wikipedia.org&platform=all-access&agent=all-agents&range=latest-90&pages= This is a website where you can see how many views have an specific article.

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