- My name is Lizbet Michael. I joined Wikipedia as a "user" in 2011 to work to get an article on Wiki about a company I worked for in the 1970's. The article is up and running. I sure hope it makes it! See Homestead Book Company.
- I live in the Nashville, TN area. I'm originally from Cedar Rapids, Iowa
- I finished my undergrad with an emphasis in Communications Studies and Public Relations from the University of Northern Iowa UNI.
- I finally received my Masters in Human Resources Development from Webster University in Jacksonville, FL.
- I worked for over ten years at JEA in Jacksonville, FL
- I work as a contract compliance officer at the Tennessee Department of Transportation.
- I'm brand new to Wikipedi. Reading and art has always been my passion and Wikipedi feeds me regularly.
- I love the 1970's rock n' roll, jazz, blues, and many other genres. Maxwell is one of my favorite musical artists.
- I have a passion for family, good food, travel, the arts and culture.
What do I do on Wikipedia?
- I'm in a major learning mode! Practice, practice, practice!
- Talk to me!
- Will you help me keep my first article up and running - Homestead Book Company?
- Still learning. I was asked to add something to a city page and within 2 min the page was changed back to the original information.
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