Today's motto...
An edit a day keeps the vandals away
Nominate one today!
Endless Userboses
A userbox is a small box that looks like this.
Userboxes can come in many different styles and colors.
This user wants to be your friend .
This user is NOT known for taking themself too seriously.
XD This user is interested in comedy , and may enjoy writing or performing it.
ALL This user is a fan of all kinds of comedy .
When this user looks at their own accomplishments in life it helps to recall that the case of Joan of Arc proves greatness is rewarded by having a bean brand named after you.
This user once wanted to be like Joan of Arc but then read how the story ended.
⅛ You are one-eighth through this user's userboxes.
Too many userboxes This user may have too many userboxes ... nah, no way!!
GAME This user plays "the Game" .
¼ You are one-quarter through this user's userboxes.
This user pretends ignorance and stupidity for tactical reasons.
This user respects the beliefs and religions of others.
This user is an apatheist , and doesn't care whether God exists.
This user honestly just doesn't care anymore about what shape the Earth is. Let it go, man.
This user is probably going to Hell .
This user passed
GO !
(…so where is my $200?)
7h15 d00d |2 1337 t3h pwnz l0l0l0l!!11!
VG This user knows that video "games" cause an evil influence on children
? This user doesn't care what console a game is for as long as it's fun .
This user likes to play games on his or her Mac , but is getting awfully sick of Breakout .
This user KNOWS that this is a lie. They just KNOW it.
fan-3 This user thinks that Zelda is the best computer or video game ever made.
B&W This user likes to play God !
D'NI This user plays the Myst series.
MORE This user has more userboxes.
½ You are halfway through this user's userboxes.
This user is a hoopy frood who really knows where their towel is.
This user was up all night finding userboxes and is now very drowsy.
This user reads between the lines.
This user is an Angel .
8-) This user is cool , and always wears sunglasses.
This user believes they are unique , just like everybody else. =]
This user is a vampire and vants to suck your blood. BLEH!
The sanity of this user has been disputed. Refer to the talk page to discuss this topic.
¾ You are three-quarters through this user's userboxes.
This user prefers using userboxes to fill up their user page instead of actually writing something useful.
This is a cell-sized userbox.
This user is best described as Ch ao s walking on 2 le gs .
:( This user wishes there were more userboxes on Wikipedia.
This user smiles frequently.
This user will get around to being a member of the Wikipedian Procrastination Club
V This user adheres to the philosophy that an edit a day keeps the vandals at bay.
This user trusts Wikipedia as a reliable source.
EW0 This user has not experienced any edit wars and does not wish to be involved in any.
This user has been on Wikipedia for 0 days .
This user spends far too much time editing their user page.
This user has a sense of humour and shows it on their userpage .
This user clicks on Random article way too often.
The English Wikipedia has 6,964,280 articles.
This user provides information using userboxes because he or she is bored.
This user needs more userboxes . MORE , I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
This user knows that their userboxes are disorganised but has decided that they don't really care.
This user recently discovered how to use userboxes.
ubx -5This user uses entirely too many userboxes .
This user needs just one more userbox on their page!
END This user has no more userboxes.
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