This is the documentation page for the SkinSwitcher.js user script.

SkinSwitcher is a JavaScript user script that allows users to view a given page in any available skins. At present, this includes Vector, MonoBook, Modern, CologneBlue, Minerva, MinervaNeue, and ApiOutput. Fallback, while listed as an available skin under wgAvailableSkins, is not usable and as such is not currently included.

An options menu/toolbox/toolbar is provided in each skin to make skin switching convenient and easy. For Vector, MonoBook, Modern, and CologneBlue, a toolbox is provided below "Tools" on the left-hand side of the screen, and for Minerva, MinervaNeue, and ApiOutput, an experimental toolbar is provided across the top of the body of the page.

Please note that this script is still in the beta testing phase. While it will work in most instances, it is in a state of refinement and may still play host to bugs and unexpected behaviors. Likewise, off-Wikipedia usage may be limited in some cases, as not all Wikimedia wikis share the same base toolbox/toolbar elements and CSS ids/classes.


The script may be installed in a personal common.js file.


It may be imported to a global.js file as well through the addition of the following import statement:

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