Since I'm currently unable to access this account, I'm using my alternative account Munmula instead.
This user has been on Wikipedia for 16 years, 2 months and 26 days .
I use the pseudonym Alumnum (Latin neuter form of alumnus , which means "student" or "pupil") because I feel the need of studying and learning. I am an autodidact and I use Wikipedia as one of the main sources for my studies. My main interests are: culture, right-libertarianism , zoology , geology , psychoactive drugs , speculative fiction , video games , linguistics , astronomy and extraterrestrial life .
I enjoy drinking water, tea, almost any kind of juice, and milk-based sweet beverages (I most often take chocolate milk ). I do not like alcoholic beverages and soft drinks ; they are too unhealthy. As for food, I eat lots of vegetables and fruit and I try to avoid fried stuff. I'm a pescetarian . I particularly enjoy Chinese and Japanese cuisines and Subway .
I enjoy linguistics and learning languages. I have studied many languages to a certain level, but I can only properly talk in English, my native Portuguese and to a lesser extent Esperanto and Dutch.
Politically, I greatly admire panarchism and right-libertarianism . I don't like coercion (and consequently the state ) and think it's essentially unethical. I don't think society needs it at all. But I believe that people should have the right to choose under what government or anarchic system they want to live. I definitely do not get along with some people holding excessively sexist , homophobic , transphobic or racist views, but since I believe in unlimited free speech , they are free to do so. The best thing to do is to educate them about the errors in their ideas; but if they do not want to be educated, they should be ignored.
I don't like the idea of schooling (and to some degree universities ) as primary forms of education. In my opinion, it is nearly impossible to teach someone what they do not want to learn, so all education should be voluntary. The internet is one great alternative way of acquiring knowledge: it provides unlimited and free information, book downloading (that's because I'm against copyright ), groups to talk to people interested in the same subject and many other forms of education.
The top three sites I visit when online are Facebook, YouTube and Wikipedia. I mostly read and edit articles, listen to music, watch educational or entertaining videos, talk to my friends and participate on groups. You can find out more about me in this bunch of userboxes below, which is a bit unorganized (I'm going to fix this sometime).
This user has a pet cat .
This user's favourite animal is the Tiger , regardless of shape, colour, size, etc.!
This user contributes using a PC .
Fandom This user spends time on Fandom .
This user has a channel on YouTube .
This user eats at SUB WAY and eats fresh.
This user contributes using Ubuntu .
This user is a Leo .
This user was born in the Year of the Tiger . 虎
This User is excessively addicted to Wikipedia.
Majority ≠ right
This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake .
User:Jeffro77/userboxes/Singular they:LessEvil
y'all This user believes that y'all is a real word, but ain't isn't one. ain't
y'all This user thinks y'all serves a useful purpose as a second-person plural pronoun, and would like to see y'all use it more often.
ubiquitous ≠ widespread This user asserts that the more common word is often not the most precise.
try and try toThis user tries to discourage usage of "try and" .
This user likes that the subjunctive mood be used. Were this user you, she would use it.
"There's" with a plural subject This user knows that "there's" with a plural subject is a pervasive grammatical error. There's There are too many people making this mistake. Don't be one of them.
…in. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something that this user is okay with.
than then This user understands the difference between using "than " and "then ."
its it's It's really not that hard to use each word in its proper manner.
much & many This user understands the difference between much & many .
English Singulars: "The data is..."
This user recognizes that "data", "media", and "agenda" have become incorporated into English as singular nouns.
. The This user does not put two spaces after a full stop.
A, B, and A and B This user prefers to use the serial comma only when its omission can be confusing.
"…" This user favours typewriter style quotation marks over typographic ones.
"…"! US vs. UK This user uses "logical quotation marks ". Forcing internal punctuation leads to factual errors . It's not a nationalistic style issue!
; This user knows how to use a semicolon correctly.
ANAL 3 This user will not correct you're bad grammar.
This user employs a more formal style of writing in articles than in talk pages.
you oneThis user knows that one should not use "you " in encyclopedia articles or other formal works.
IntS -2This uxor's Internet slang is k , but TBH, they're still mostly a lurker .
LE-1 This user's been known to screw up the occasional sentence and make the occasional typo, but is otherwise pretty accurate with regards to English .
fgn -2This user speaks several dialects of foreign.
sar -1This user does not wish to speak or hear sarcasm, but is resigned to the necessity of at least understanding it in an environment of massive collaboration.
Wrld-ish! Deze user puede falar prawie allt und often mélange tutto
This user has been scratched several times by their pet cat.
This user is owned by one or more cats .
This user likes all of the colors.
Com-2 This user is at an intermediate comedic level . They can back slap with the best of them.
XD This user is interested in comedy , and may enjoy writing or performing it.
This user believes that laughter is a medicine that should be taken several times a day!!!
intel Core This user contributes with a computer based on the Intel Core i7 microprocessor.
Like Winston Churchill , this user is in good health because they don't practice any sport.
This user likes both the PSP and the DS .
This user's favourite search engine is G o o g l e .
Don't be evil
This user would be lost without G o o g l e .
This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference.
math-1 This user can contribute with basic mathematical skills.
This user enjoys listening to music .
This user enjoys Fado .
This user is interested in Botany .
This user is interested in science .
This user knows that space is the future
This user would like to know what a black hole looks like from inside, but doesn't want to investigate it personally.
This user hails from or lives on Earth .
This user is interested in Biology .
This user accepts evolution as a biological fact.
This user is an ape
This user has a keen interest in learning about Chemistry .
This user is interested in geology .
This user is fascinated by tornadoes, but has never encountered one and does not wish to.
This user enjoys watching the weather .
This user enjoys tracking weather , and might have a personal weather station.
This user loves rainy days.
This user likes foggy days.
°C This user uses the Celsius scale, as they find it superior in every way to Fahrenheit .
This user did not participate in the Earth Hour event.
This user explores the universe with Celestia .
This user prefers and supports copyleft licensing.
This user sometimes still makes art and graphics with MS Paint .
This user is an art lover .
This user likes to sleep .
This user has been meaning to join the Procrastinators' Club for several years.
MAGIC This user is interested in Magic
This user is interested in maps .
"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
This user is interested in law .
This user loves the environment and wants to protect it.
This user does not
smoke .
This user remembers VHS . ±
This user enjoys watching pointless animations.
id1 This user is interested in conworlding/conlanging.
This user is interested in fantasy .
This user doesn't like school .
George Orwell taught this user everything they need to know about the government.
This user enjoys reading poetry .
This user loves writing , but can hardly find the time to do so.
iCarly This user is a fan of iCarly .
デス ノート This user prefers to keep their notes in their watch.
This user is an autodidact in a wide range of subjects that they never took in school or college.
This user is self-educated to an advanced college level.
This user can lick his/her own elbow .
Fist in mouth This user can not put his whole fist in his mouth .
01001000 01101001 There are10 types of people: those who read binary and those who don't.
This user likes jokes and humor.
This user likes stupid pictures
This user likes stupid signs
This user likes to brag about being born on J. K. Rowling 's birthday. Do you think you can top that?
This user is not a dragon but will probably be one in his next life
This user loves spaceships
The sanity of this user has been disputed. Refer to the talk page to discuss this topic.
This user often makes mistakes while typing , and would like to take this oppurtunity to aoplogiae.
This user enjoys looking at images that they do not understand.
It is possible that this user is an alien, but this is not yet proven. Please do not go near this user with loud music.
huh ? This user doesn't know what the hell they are doing.
What do you want? I n f o r m a t i o n. Nº 2
This user believes that anyone who thinks Wikipedia is an unreliable source should continue their quest to find a better website.
This user is confused by every aspect of life, including their own confusion.
This user knows how to read Roman numerals , and also likes to make silly puns with them. 490
This user opposes copyright , and encourages the free exchange of culture.
? This user follows their own political ideals.
This user believes in the right of every human being to have access to Wikipedia .
This user supports no government or government that is extremely limited.
This user would prefer anarchy to tyranical government.
User:Toa Nidhiki05/Userboxes/Anarcho-capitalism ideal
Overpopulation This user believes that people create more resources than they consume.
User:Toa Nidhiki05/Userboxes/Abortion0
This user believes that just because abortion is immoral, that doesn't mean it should be illegal (just like adultery , divorce , and war ).
This user believes contraceptives should be freely available to everyone.
User:Toa Nidhiki05/Userboxes/DP2
This user is pro-cannabis .
This user supports the legalization of all drugs .
</label> This user does not wish to limit their sexual experiences by applying a label indicating a specific sexual orientation .
This user believes if you're old enough to go to war , you're old enough to drink alcohol .
This user believes that except in extreme circumstances, starting a war is one of the worst things a country can do.
This user has left the planet Earth 0 times.
This user believes that a user's edit count does not necessarily reflect on the value of their contributions to Wikipedia .
This user is one of 126,906 active users .
YOU This user dies a little inside whenever they see the word you in an article.
This user loves Wikipe-tan , the cutest personification of Wikipedia.
This User is excessively addicted to Wikipedia.
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