Icon This user has been on Wikipedia for 18 years, 2 months and 18 days.
UTC+1This user's time zone is UTC+1.
It is approximately 7:17 PM where this user lives.
54YThis Wikipedian was born on 9 January 1971 and is 54 years, 2 months, and 0 days old.
1,000+This user has made more than 1,000 contributions to Wikipedia.
1,000+This user has made over 1,000 contributions to Wikipedia
This user scored 4478 on the Wikipediholic test.


Hello. My name is Denis Arnaud, also known as Denis.arnaud on selected MediaWiki sites. I am 54 years of age, and now live in Essen, Germany. I work as a head of optimization and data engineering in the digital division of a world-wide logistics company.

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Ōfunato wildfire
Ōfunato wildfire

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Detour is a 1945 American film noir directed by Edgar G. Ulmer and starring Tom Neal and Ann Savage. The screenplay was adapted by Martin Goldsmith and Martin Mooney (uncredited) from Goldsmith's 1939 novel Detour, and the film was released by the Producers Releasing Corporation, one of the so-called Poverty Row film studios in mid–20th-century Hollywood. Detour tells the story of an unemployed piano player who hitchhikes to Los Angeles with a bookie, and the consequences when the bookie dies on the way. The film, which is now in the public domain, was restored by the Academy Film Archive in 2018.

Film credit: Edgar G. Ulmer; restored by the Academy Film Archive

My statistics

Generated using XTools on 2018-08-19 10:00

General statistics

User ID 121065
User groups extended confirmed user
Is administrator? 0
First edit 2006-12-19 18:08
Latest edit 2018-08-19 09:06
Live edits 3,760 (98.6%)
Deleted edits 54 (1.4%)
Total edits 3,814
Edits in the past 24 hours 7
Edits in the past 7 days 43
Edits in the past 30 days 90
Edits in the past 365 days 184
Average edits per day 0.9 (4,260 days)
Average edit size* 178.3 bytes


Pages edited (total) 2,232
Average edits per page 1.709
Pages created 623 (27 since deleted)
Pages moved 145
Pages deleted 1


Files uploaded 13
Files uploaded (Commons) 16

Edits (live)

(Semi-)automated edits 376 (10%)
Edits with summaries 3,446 (91.6%)
Minor edits 3,146 (83.7%)
Small edits (<20 bytes)* 1,576 (41.9%)
Large edits (>1000 bytes)* 229 (6.1%)


Thank 23
Approve 0
Patrol 2
Accounts created 0


Longest block
Current block

Global edit counts (approximate)

en.wikipedia.org 3,510
www.wikidata.org 109
fr.wikipedia.org 27
commons.wikimedia.org 20
uk.wikipedia.org 5
meta.wikimedia.org 4
es.wikipedia.org 4
ru.wikipedia.org 3
it.wikipedia.org 2
de.wikipedia.org 2

* Data limited to the past 5,000 edits



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