I am currently a freshman at the ITT Technical Institute. I am a HUGE fan of video games, and hope to own my own development company in the future. Before THAT happens though, I'm going to become a 3D Animator, possibly freelance.
I love to travel. I'm making it a tradition for me to travel to at least ONE different country every year...If I can afford it that is. I live in the United States and have for almost all my life. I spent two years in Mexico with my parents after my mother developed a lung condition and had to move someplace more humid. It was not fun.
This Wikipedian was born on 24 August 1989 and is 35 years, 6 months, and 19 days old.
I have a bad habit of planning out trips that I either won't be going to for months or will NEVER get to. So now that I'm (Almost) on my own, I'm making it a tradition to save up for a trip I plan out months ahead of time, and go the instant I save up the money.
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