
Personal Information

I am a 20 year old college student who likes to read and analyze. I drink coffee 3 times a day as a ritual. I run a YouTube channel called DeliriumMaps where I create historical map animations oriented towards Philippine history, as well as foreign histories.

I came from a below average income family in Cavite and I have nothing to lose. Therefore I have often dedicated my time in studying and reading. I have a humble life without any extraordinary talents or achievements in the real world. But as many people have often said, that the poorest people have the highest ambitions.


As a patriotic Filipino, my goal is to make use of my privilege in a state university (and therefore the library with free books) to provide more access to information about Philippine history as well as to destroy any persistent myths facilitated by the flaws of Wikipedia. I am a dedicated researcher with zero tolerance for lies or original research from pseudo-historians. These are the type of people who are destroying the historical perceptions of people in my country.

Achievements because I like to flex

Created pages

Reformed pages

Created maps for


Myths and misconceptions destroyed

  • 900 vs 40,000 statistics in the Battle of Yultong page (actually an ongoing dispute)
  • Code of Maragtas 1212 fictional date in the Madja-as page
  • "Pannai origin of the Panay Visayans" myth from the Madja-as page
  • Mayd being Madja-as from the Madja-as page
  • The myth of Datu Iberein being a Hebrew ruler of the "Lakanate of Lawan" from the Laoang page
  • Fake and exaggerated maps and narratives from the Tondo (historical polity) page
  • Cebu (historical polity) owning all of Cebu Island
  • Namayan's capital being Santa Ana de Sapa (Felix Huerta never made such claim)
  • Namayan peaking in the year 1175
  • Sapa being Meysapan (Meysapan or Maysapang is located in Taguig)
  • Fake rulers of Tondo such as "Lakan Timamanukum", "Rajah Alon" and "Rajah Gambang". Rajah Gambang was based on a Sulu datu, Datu Gamban. Datu Gamban did not rule Tondo.
  • Gat Lontok being a "Rajah"
  • Gatmaitan being the ruler of Cainta (historical polity)
  • The Battle of Malala River being called The Battle of Malalag River
  • Seludong or Selurong being Maynila in the Maynila (historical polity), Brunei, Bruneian Sultanate (1368-1888), Madjapahit and Nagarakretagama pages
  • Pangasinan and Caboloan being the same entity
  • Sri Lumay of Cebu being a "minor Chola prince", when he wasn't said to be from the Chola dynasty at all
  • "Batang Dula" being the "oldest son of Lakandula" from the Lakandula and Martín de Goiti pages (extracted from a website with dubious claims)
  • Lakandula having descendants in Aringay, La Union (which has no basis)
  • Claims of Paete or Pakil being the old settlement of Lihan which is also claimed to be the old town of Malolos, and that Paete was once apparently under Tondo
  • Tondo being an 'empire' allegedly called 'Tong-to' (eastern capital), while mis-referencing the Wakan Sansai Zue
  • Greeks apparently 'discovering the Philippines' and even settling there/Philippines being Ophir in the History of Luzon and the Prehistory of the Philippines pages
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