No topic "deserves" to be in Wikipedia in the plain-English meaning of the word.
"Deserves" implies that the topic, all by itself, "earned" the right to be here.
With possibly a few narrow exceptions like plant and animal species and a few other "if it exists, it's notability is presumed, even if the only reliable-source coverage is scant" topics ("possibly" because "presumed notability" for these "scantly covered topics" is open to challenge on a case by case basis), it requires non-routine, significant coverage from independent, reliable sources before a topic even qualifies for an article.
Hypothetically, you can win 2024 Olympic Decathlon but if nobody gives you more than a routine mention in the news or any other reliable source and you haven't already received significant, routine coverage from a reliable, independent source, that won't help you qualify for an article.
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