User Boxes
whom | This user insists upon using whom wherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever they see. |
ANAL 3 | This user will not correct you're bad grammar. |
AIM-Able | This user understands AIM talk perfectly well, and sometimes uses it, but not excessively. |
sar-N | This user is a native speaker of sarcasm. Isn't that just great? |
dlph-0 | This user cannot speak, has considerable difficulty speaking, or does not wish to speak dolphin. |
ubx-5 | This user uses entirely too many userboxes. |
C++ | This user can program in C++. |
LaTeX | This user can typeset using LaTeX. |
 | This user has a pet dog. |
@ | This user can be reached by email at |
 | This user uses Google as a primary search engine. |
 | This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference. |
BB | This user contributes using a broadband connection. |
 | This user is a firm believer in the proposition that cold pizza and stale potato chips qualify as brain food. |
 | This user would have liked Green Eggs and Ham, but will not eat them due to religious dietary laws. |
 | This user likes a 'proper' Pasty. |
 | This user likes pie. |
 | This user would rather drink coffee than tea. |
C2H5OH-1 | This user drinks relatively infrequently. they are probably the better for it. |
MEAD | This user drinks mead. |
GAME | This user plays "the Game". |
This user has a spice addiction.
 | This user is a Go player. |
 | This user enjoys playing poker. |
cvg-4 | This user is an expert gamer. |
? | This user doesn't care what console a game is for as long as it's fun. |
VTM | This user is a member of Clan Tremere and can probably suck your blood out with their mind. |
This user is a foe of the False Emperor of Mankind
 | This user is interested in the history of the Cold War. |  |
 | This user does not smoke. |
?met? | This user prefers metric units and cannot figure out why Americans and Brits have such a hard time with them. |
 | This user is a member of NERV. |
ES | This user is a loyal member of ACROSS |
8-Bit | "I like Swords!" "Welcome to Corneria." |
 | This user wishes they owned an AT-AT. |
 | This user is interested in The Sith Order. If only you knew the power of the Dark Side. |
Scrubs | This user enjoys watching Scrubs. |
 | This user is from the planet Earth. |  |
 | This user is an evil DECEPTICON |
 | This user is a MIDI collector. |
daft punk | This user likes to work it to Daft Punk. |
This user accepts evolution as a biological fact.
This user has a keen interest in physics.
IEEE | This user is a member of the IEEE. |
This user is polite and expects others to act accordingly.
:-/ | This user is a sceptic, even with regard to this userbox. |
bros | This user has 2 little brothers. |
 | This user has too much time on their hands. |
 | This user has no understanding of time and does everything at the last minute. |
 | This user strives to maintain a policy of neutrality on controversial issues. |
 | This little tag you are reading is a userbox. |
Userboxes Rock! | This user is a userbox! |
1, 2, 3... | This userbox is a test. Please tell this user if you don't see it. |
Userboxes in Userboxes! | This user has userboxes in their userboxes! |
 | This user recently discovered how to use userboxes. |
ubx-5 | This user uses entirely too many userboxes. |
 | This user prefers using userboxes to fill up their user page instead of actually writing something useful. |
 | This user provides information using userboxes because he or she is bored. |
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