Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// Install with:
// <code><nowiki> {{subst:Iusc|User:DannyS712/deOrphan.js}} </nowiki></code>
// or with
// <code><nowiki> importScript( 'User:DannyS712/deOrphan.js' ); // Backlink: [[User:DannyS712/deOrphan.js]] </nowiki></code>
// Special thanks to User:Technical 13 and his script, [[User:Technical 13/Scripts/OrphanStatus.js]], which I forked
// before later rewriting the script.
// If forking this script, please note my contributions / give me credit
$(function (){
const DeOrphan = {};
DeOrphan.removeTag = function () {
const $progressDisplay = $('.loadinganimation');
$progressDisplay.text( 'Article deOrphaning in progress...' );
new mw.Api().edit(
mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
function ( revision ) {
const newContent = revision.content
.replace( /\{\{Orphan(.*?)\}\}[\|\n]/gi, '' )// Parse out orphan template (not) in multiple issues
.replace( /\| *Orphan *=[\d\w\s\n]*(.*?\}\})/gi, '$1' ); // Parse out old style multiple issues orphan parameter
return {
text: newContent,
summary: 'Article [[User:DannyS712/deOrphan|deOrphaned]]!',
assert: 'user',
minor: true
).then( function() {
'Article deOrphaned!',
$( '<small>' ).append(
$( '<a>' ).text( 'reload' ).on( 'click', () => location.reload() ),
' | ',
$( '<a>' ).text( 'diff' )
.attr( 'href', "//" + encodeURIComponent( mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ) ) + "&diff=cur&oldid=prev" ),
} );
DeOrphan.render = function () {
.loadinganimation {
font-size: medium !important;
color: #000 !important;
font-family: sans-serif !important;
float: right;
.loadinganimation a {
font-weight: bold;
$progressDisplay = $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'loadinganimation' );
$( '#firstHeading' ).append( $progressDisplay );
new mw.Api().get( {
action: 'query',
list: 'backlinks',
format: 'json',
blfilterredir: 'nonredirects',
bllimit: 500,
blnamespace: 0,
bltitle: mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' )
} ).done( function ( response ) {
var orphan_cutoff = (window.user_orphan_cutoff || 1);
var backLinks = response.query.backlinks.length;
const $linksHere = $( '<a>' )
.attr( 'href', '//' + encodeURIComponent( mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ) ) + '&namespace=0&hideredirs=1&hidetrans=1' )
.text( 'other articles' );
const $deOrphan = $( '<small>' ).append(
$( '<a>' ).text( 'deOrphan' ).on( 'click', () => DeOrphan.removeTag() ),
const $orphan = $( '<a>' ).text( 'orphan' ).attr( 'href', '//' );
switch ( backLinks ){
case 0:
if (orphan_cutoff <= 0) {
'This page is an ', $orphan, ' as no ', $linksHere, ' link to it'
case 1:
if (orphan_cutoff <= 1) {
'There is ', $( '<b>' ).text( '1 link to this page' ), ' from an', $linksHere.text( 'other article' ), '. ', $deOrphan
case 2:
if (orphan_cutoff <= 2) {
'There are ', $( '<b>' ).text( '2 links to this page' ), ' from ', $linksHere, '. ', $deOrphan
'This page is not an ', $orphan, ' as it meets the "Rule of Three" by having three or more links from ', $linksHere, '. ', $deOrphan
} );
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 0 && mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) === 'view' &&
$.inArray( 'All orphaned articles', mw.config.get( 'wgCategories' ) ) >= 0
) {
$( '.ambox-Orphan' ).css( 'display', 'inherit' );
[ 'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api' ],
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