- That which can be said can be said clearly. What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence. - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Atom·Bingham plastic·Brinell hardness test·Bureau des Longitudes·Carte du Ciel·Coefficient of viscosity·Compliance·Continuum mechanics·Cubical atom·Dynamic viscosity·Eddy viscosity·Ekman number·Eskdalemuir Observatory·Fatigue (material)·Fluid·Fluid statics·Fluidity·HM Nautical Almanac Office·Hardness·Hunting (engineering)·Impetus·Inertia·International Union of Radio Science·Kinematic viscosity·Magnetic monopole·Maxwell material·Newtonian fluid·Paris Observatory·Linear motor·Mohs scale of mineral hardness·Mpemba effect·N ray·Non-Newtonian fluid·Normal mode·Observatoire de Paris·Oil-drop experiment·Oscillation·Oscillator·Paris Observatory·Physical information·Physical law·Plastic deformation·Plasticity·Power-law fluids·Rheology·Rockwell scale·Rossby number·Rossby wave·Rotation·Signal generator·Simple harmonic motion·Solid mechanics·Stiffness·Stress (physics)·Titius-Bode law·Vibration·Viscosity·Water
Evaristo Abaco·Ronnie Allen·Osvaldo Ardiles·Alan Ashman·Jeff Astle·Ron Atkinson·Benjamin Baillaud·Harry Bensley·Raymond T. Birge·Vilhelm Bjerknes·Ben Black·René-Prosper Blondlot·Alexis Bouvard·David Brown (entrepreneur)·Vic Buckingham·Jean Buridan·Richard Austen Butler·Santiago Calatrava·Jesse Carver·Aristide Cavaillé-Coll·James Chadwick·James Challis·Herbert Chapman·Pafnuty Chebyshev·Laurie Cunningham·Heinrich d'Arrest·Image: Darwin family tree·Charles Galton Darwin·Charles-Eugène Delaunay·Henri-Alexandre Deslandres·Don John of Austria·A. M. W. Downing·Duncan Edwards·Felix Ehrenhaft·V. Walfrid Ekman·Ernest Esclangon·Louis Essen·Andrew Faulds·Thomas Gambier Parry·Patrick Gordon Walker·William Sealey Gosset·Richard Graves·Peter Griffiths·Giuseppe Grisoni·John Josiah Guest·Pierre Gy·Arthur Hallam·W.W. Hansen·Friedrich Hayek·Heraclides Ponticus·Heraklides·Prince Hoare·William Hoare·Joseph Jaggers·Richard Jago·Family tree - John III of Poland·John Kerr (physicist)·Klemens August of Bavaria·Eric Laithwaite·Frederick Lanchester·Sue Lawley·John 'Babbacombe' Lee·Clarence Irving Lewis·Karl L. Littrow·Maurice Loewy·Alfred J. Lotka·Elisabeth Lutyens·Nestor Makhno·Thomas Malthus·William Markowitz·Maximilian II Emanuel, elector of Bavaria·Max II Emanuel family tree·Albert Abraham Michelson·Bert Millichip·Robert Millikan·Antonina Milyukova·Amédée Mouchez·Isaac Newton·Paul Painlevé·John Patrick·John George Phillips·Enoch Powell·Tommaso Redi·Lewis Fry Richarson·David Rittenberg·Paul Robeson·Bobby Robson·Carl-Gustaf Rossby·Arthur Rowley·John Rylands·Rudolph Schoenheimer·William Shenstone·Walter A. Shewhart·Julian Simon·Elmer Ambrose Sperry·Frank J. Tipler·Genichi Taguchi·Gaston Tarry·Mary Townshend, Countess Chatham·John Tukey·Harold C. Urey·Ralph Vaughan Williams·Vito Volterra·James Whale·Robert W. Wood
Benderby·Blackheath, West Midlands·Dudley·Kidderminster·Manchester·Monte Carlo·Santa Barbara, California·Smethwick·Tighina
AEI·Brintons·David Brown Limited·GKN plc·Western Electric·Westland Aircraft
United Airlines Flight 232·RMS Titanic
Accuracy and precision·Common- and special-causes·Control chart·Decimal precision·EDA·Exploratory data analysis·Cross-validation·Graeco-Latin square·Interaction (statistics)·Loss function·Multiple comparisons·Random number·Royal Statistical Society·Sampling (statistics)·St. Petersburg paradox·Standard error (statistics)·Survivor function·Taguchi methods·Testing hypotheses suggested by the data·Vysochanskii-Petunin inequality
Around the World in Eighty Days·Autodidact·Bedazzled (1967)·Blackboard Jungle·Blackjack·Butskelism·Casablanca (movie)·Compliance·Cornucopian·Coronation Street·A Dance to the Music of Time·Darts·The Devils (film)·Differential equation·Differential equations from outside physics·Fatigue·The Football Association·Football pyramid·Free-market environmentalism·Galton Bridge·Gambier Parry process·Gambling·Glebe·Hawthorne experiments·The Hawthorns·Hooliganism·John Rylands Library·Life: A User's Manual·The Leasowes·Leeds City F.C.·List of speeches·Logistic curve·Malthusian catastrophe·The man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo·Marathon world best progression·Mathematics·Miller·Manchester Town Hall·The Music Lovers·Neptune (planet)·Offside·Offside rule·Operational definition·Paradox·Pareto principle·Pathological science·Pi·Poor law·Precision·Rivers of Blood Speech·Roulette·Standard error·Standardisation·Strength·To Sir, with Love·The Teahouse of the August Moon·Uncomfortable science·Verhulst equation·Volterra-Lotka equations·Wager between John Pierpoint Morgan and Hugh Cecil Lowther, 5th Earl of Lonsdale·West Bromwich Albion F.C.
- Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern but impossible to enslave. - Lord Brougham
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To do
- Varian brothers
- Kitty Mellish
- William Grylls Adams
- London Electrical Society
- Adelaide Gallery of Practical Science
- Thomas Dunham Whitaker
- Henry Bellenden Ker
- William Maltby
- Alexander Wolcott (inventor)
- John Leigh (surgeon)
- Charles John Crompton
- James Shaw Willes
- Harold Kurtz
- Cudbert Thornhill
- Norman Thwaites
- H. W. Luttman-Johnson
- Hans Heinrich XVII, 4th Prince of Pless
- Arthur Zadig
- Warren Marrison, here and here
- Woronzow Greig
- Henry Cline
- Joseph Chitty (the younger)
- Edward Chitty
- Hopwood will case
- Simon Bernard (radical)
- Joseph Phillimore
- Joseph Henry Green
- William Menelaus
- Abram Duncan
- Thomas John l'Anson Bromwich
- Gilbert Hugh Beyfus
- Russell Gurney
- John Gurney (judge)
- George Clement Boase
- Science and Technology Act 1965
- Consumer Protection Act 1987
- Zena Skinner
- Expand:
- Cleanup
- ...
- Archive/ Rescue
- [1] Content blanked by User:Scolaire
- Conservation of energy - [2] - also needs citations
- "Though Thomson continued to defend his estimates, privately he admitted that they were most probably wrong." - find where this come from and restore
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