Remarkable Rocks
Favourite article
My current favourite article is Towel Day. It's celebrated on May 25th all around the galaxy.
Former favourite articles
- Saparmurat Niyazov. This former ruler of Turkmenistan looked like Wayne Newton and acted like Pee-wee Herman.
- Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race and Balto. The race is on.
- Flag of Bikini Atoll. I would love to see someone carrying this flag at the Olympics.
- Blue Peter badge. Interesting British tradition with scandal to boot.
- The Prophet (book). This is an amazing book. It is often quoted at weddings and in advertisements.
- Marvin the Martian. This is my favourite Looney Tunes character.
- Arbitration: Episodes. Real life drama in Wikipedia world.
- Tourist guy. Proof that after sadness comes joy.
- Truthiness. Another fine example of why I love Wikipedia.
- Princess Isabella of Denmark. One of the youngest people (Oct 9, 2007) to have a Wikipedia article.
- Naegleria fowleri. Scary man killing amoeba.
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movie Quotes. There are at least a dozen quotes here that could become my favourite article.
- Michael Larson. He is a famous game show contestant.
- Autodidacticism. I had to teach myself what this word meant.
- Henohenomoheji. A face made of Japanese characters.
- SMERSH (James Bond). Thee bad guys.
- Arbre du Ténéré. A sacred tree in the desert.
- Backronym. Like an acronym, but different.
- Irony mark. A sarcastic question mark.
- Riot Act. I can't believe they really used these two sentences to break up a crowd.
- Virgin ritual at NJ Festival of Ballooning. I started this one after reading about it in the paper.
- Butterfly kick. It has a cool motion picture demo.
- Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane. On the tv show I really enjoyed how he would use his full name when he referred to himself in the third person.
- Felicific calculus. The happiness calculator.
- Emasculators. Scary article with pictures.
- Caligula. The subject is interesting and it is mentioned in the Seinfeld episode- The Jimmy.
- Onomatopoeia. A word or a grouping of words that imitates the sound. Whoa!
- Bekim Kastrati. A real soccer player whose name ironically suggests David Beckham is a castrati (castrated singer).
- Venetia Phair. Interesting article about the girl who named the ice rock formerly known as Pluto.
- No climbing the Reichstag dressed as Spider-Man. Funny title.
- Mary Marvel. Sexy comic book character, with an interesting past.
- Lucky Number Slevin and Se7en. Both good movies with interesting articles and creative titles.
- Cloud suck. Funny name.
- Six Degrees of Separation (film). This is one of my favourite plays and I liked the movie as well.
- Jessica Lee Rose. She was the actress who played lonelygirl15 on Youtube. I wonder if she can start a real acting career.
- The Gift of the Woodi. I liked this episode of Cheers so much that I created an article for it. It's the one with the K-E-L-L-Y song[1].
- White trillium, I thought it was illegal to pick Ontario's official flower until I read this article
- Falkirk Wheel, amazing engineering feat with great photos
- David Suzuki, Canadian environmentalist
- List of Bullshit! episodes, Penn & Teller host this show with really interesting topics
- Jadarite, newly found mineral that is closely related to the fictional mineral Kryptonite
- Theorbo, musical instrument that I wish I could play
- Alcohol flush reaction, condition I suffer from
- Poor Pussy, game with a funny name
- Bruce effect, abortion is natural
- Snottite, funny name
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