If you want to find out more about me, once upon a time you could read my Newsvine Bio - nowadays see the About page on my personal site. The main one's ChrisWoods.co.uk; my ancient original blog (sadly neglected these days) effectively went into stasis the moment Blogger withdrew their FTP publishing support. It's vaguely amusing to leaf through.
I'm a forlorn wantrepreneur - So many domains, so few completed projects...
If you want to contact me, go to this page and pick a method. I don't publicise my main address in public due to spam. My already-saturated inboxes of older addresses are still complaining.
Thanks for reading.
Other info
Please see my Notes index page for more bits and pieces (editorial standpoints, WP-related beliefs etc.).
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let them know.
This user strives to maintain a policy of neutrality on controversial issues.
This alleged user can be said to maintain an ill-defined policy or other custom of neutrality or other ambiguity-related quality on some or all issues that may be potentially controversial to some alleged people.
This user respects copyright, but sometimes it can be a major pain.
This user understands the difference between its (of it) and it's (it is or it has).
Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
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