Welcome to the user-hosted collaboration page! The aim here is a focussed approach to getting Spaceflight-related topics up to featured status, taking relatively small areas and then interested members work together on them intensely in a short time to improve them, hopefully to featured status.
Why Skylab for the first collaboration? The fact is there are vast quantities of public domain information about pretty much everything Apollo-related, which means the wider Apollo program is our best chance to get a featured topic relatively easily. It's the "low-hanging fruit" as it were. Of course the whole program is far too large (see the tracker) and I think we suffer from trying to do too much. The Skylab program is however a relatively small and self-contained part of the wider project and so it's easy to make real progress fast. Another point is that this directly helps the Space stations working group in their drive for featured topics on space stations.
Feel free to use this page or its talk page to coordinate this collaboration, especially please help collate the resources list.
First topic: Skylab
Related articles
These are related articles the could be useful in editing the main pages. Feel free to add others.
Resources list
NASA resources
- National Space Science Data Center main page
- NASA History Series Publications (many of which are on-line)
- Image gallery
- Skylab, Our First Space Station
- Living and Working in Space: A History of Skylab
- Skylab's Astronomy and Space Sciences
- A New Sun: The Solar Results from Skylab
- Skylab, Classroom in Space
- Skylab: A Chronology, by Roland W. Newkirk and Ivan D. Ertel with Courtney G. Brooks (NASA SP-4011 1977)
- Skylab: A Guidebook
- NASA Investigation Board Report on the Initial Flight Anomalies of Skylab 1
- Skylab Mission Evaluation - NASA report (PDF format)
- Skylab Reactivation Mission Report 1980 - NASA report (PDF format)
- Skylab Reuse Study - NASA report (PDF format)
- Don L. Lind oral history transcript - NASA report (PDF format)
- Skylab: Command service module systems handbook, CSM 116 - 119 (PDF) April 1972
- Skylab Saturn 1B flight manual (PDF) September 1972
- Marshall Space Flight Center Skylab Summary
- Programs, Missions, and Payloads - Skylab 3
- Skylab 3
- NASA Glenn Research Center
- SP-400/ch9
- Skylab 2 Characteristics SP-4012 NASA HISTORICAL DATA BOOK
- Skylab 3 Characteristics SP-4012 NASA HISTORICAL DATA BOOK
- Skylab 4 Characteristics SP-4012 NASA HISTORICAL DATA BOOK
- Mission Requirements, Skylab Rescue Mission, SL-R
- Skylab rescue space vehicle OAT no. 1 plugs in test
- Skylab rescue space vehicle flight readiness test
- Launch vehicle test and checkout plan. - Volume 2: Saturn 1B launch vehicle Skylab R (rescue) and AS-208 flow plan and listings
- Skylab hardware evaluation CSM rescue
- HEASARC - Skylab
- JSC Digital Image Collection
- KSC - Project Skylab
- Skylab EREP Investigations Summary
- Skylab experiment operations handbook. Volume 1: Experiment descriptions
- Skylab program operational data book. Volume 1: Experiments performance data. Part 1: DOD, medical, engineering, and technological
- Skylab program operational data book. Volume 1: Experiments performance data. Part 2: Scientific
- Skylab - Encyclopedia Astronautica page
- Manned Orbiting Laboratory - Encyclopedia Astronautica page
- Sklyab reboost module - Encyclopedia Astronautica page
- Sklyab's Untimely Fate - Encyclopedia Astronautica page
- Sklyab 5 - Encyclopedia Astronautica page
- Skylab B - Encyclopedia Astronautica page)
- Skylab rescue - Encyclopedia Astronautica page)
- Apollo rescue CSM - Encyclopedia Astronautica page)
- Die amerikanische Raumstation (German)
- a cutaway drawing of skylab
- Skylab De-orbit
- Skylab cutaway drawing from Encyclopedia Britannica
- Skylab Will Come Tumbling Down
- Living It Up in Space
- Skylab's Fiery Fall
- Skylab's New Crisis: A Rescue Mission?
- Velcro Darts, Skylab
- Saving Skylab: The Untold Story
- Skylab: America's space station
- Littering fine paid
- Miss Universe Telecast
- Skylab Numbering Fiasco
- HD video
- Analog interview with Frank Kelly Freas
- The Space Review: Secret Apollo
- Astronauts and Area 51: the Skylab Incident
- Account of the mission at the Beyond Apollo Blog
- Homesteading Space: The Skylab Story (Outward Odyssey: A People's History of Spaceflight)
Further reading
- Gilles Clement, Fundamentals of Space Medicine, Microcosm Press, 2003. pp. 212.
- Lattimer, Dick (1985). All We Did was Fly to the Moon. Whispering Eagle Press. ISBN 0-9611228-0-3.
- Frieling, Thomas J, Quest, "Skylab B: Unflown Missions, Lost Opportunities", 1996, Volume 5, Issue 4, page 12.
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