
Hi! This is my userpage, there's some basic stuff about me. If you want to talk to me, feel free on my talk page!

This user is a homebrewer.

The name Celardore when spoken sounds the same as Cellar Door. The sounding of the word was my reason for choosing the name.

Some articles I created

I've started the following articles, there's always room for improvement and while I started them; it doesn't mean I finished them!

In no particular order...

Articles I have contributed significantly to

Of the two entries listed, my main contributions have been images.


  • Keenly interested in PHP, using this medium to create (usually database driven) web applications.
  • Heelys!!!
  • Cycling
  • Homebrewing - brewing my 4th batch at the moment. Hopefully glucose will work better than sugar!
  • Accounting - well not so much of an interest than my job. It does facinate me though. I am studying to become an accounting technician.


I live in Ipswich, UK. I work in accountancy, my specific field is Credit Management.

In my spare time, I am either cycling, coding, cooking, with friends and so on. I do like my beer, both brewing and drinking; which is striking a balance - homebrew is so very cheap, but shop bought beers are so much tastier!

Nothing unusual really, except I do need time to myself and stress out if I don't have at least one evening a week that's just for me!

My website can be found by clicking this link.

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