I live in Luxembourg and am also of that nationality. I studied history and political science in the United States without attaining a degree. The past decade I have been active in national and local politics, including running for office thrice. I am co-founder of two local peace movements and am or was member of two additional ones. I am currently unemployed and working on my own wargame designs.
I plan for most of my activity on Wikipedia to be about military-history, history in general and local issues (Luxembourg and old Lotharingia). I expect to be mostly editing and not creating new articles (due to the no original research policy which I'd otherwise be inclined to break). I will try to abstain from editing political articles due to my own political experience and corresponding lack of neutrality.
Some coats of arms I've drawn.
The following should all be medieval (up to ~1499 AD) and related to Luxembourg in the larger sense.
Coat of arms of John the Blind count of Luxembourg, king of Bohemia.
Coat of arms of John-Henry marquis of Moravia and count of Tyrol.
Coat of arms of Josse duke of Luxembourg, marquis of Brandenbourg and Moravia.
Coat of arms of the first dynasty of the lords of Ansembourg.
Coat of arms of the second dynasty of the lords of Ansembourg.
Coat of arms of the des Armoises family, lords of Differdange.
Coat of arms of the d'Artaise family, lords of Villers-le-Rond and of Rut.
Coat of arms of the d'Aspelt family of ministerialis and free knighthood.
Coat of arms of the d'Aspremont family.
Coat of arms of the Chaumont branch of the d'Aspremont family.
Coat of arms of the Forbach branch of the d'Aspremont family.
Coat of arms of the Ham branch of the d'Aspremont family.
Coat of arms of the Busancy branch of the d'Aspremont family.
Coat of arms of Geoffrey d'Aspremont.
Coat of arms of the d'Asselborn family.
Coat of arms of the d'Autel family.
Coat of arms of the d'Autel d'Aspremont family.
Coat of arms of the d'Autel de Hollenfels family.
Coat of arms of Gaspard bastard d'Autel.
Coat of arms of the Bade family, lords of Rodemack and Useldange.
Coat of arms of the Barbanson family, lords of Villemont.
Coat of arms of the lords of Beaufort.
Coat of arms of the provosts of Bastogne and Ardenne.
Coat of arms of the Bassompierre family.
Coat of arms of the d'Awans family.
Coat of arms of the d'Awans family in Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of the Byvels (or Beiffels) family, lords of Bettendorf and Kewenig.
Coat of arms of the lords of Belvaux.
Coat of arms of the Bemelbourg (or Bemelberg) family, lords of Beaufort.
Coat of arms of the Bentzeradt family, vassals of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the family of the lords of Berbourg.
Coat of arms of Wiry lord of Berbourg.
Coat of arms of John of Berbourg, brother of the preceding.
Coat of arms of the lords of Bereldange.
Coat of arms of the lords of Bereldange (2nd dynasty, descended from the lords of Koerich).
Coat of arms of the lords of Berg-sur-Attert.
Coat of arms of the lords of Berg-sur-Moselle, branch of the lords of Walcourt.
Coat of arms of the Berg (or Bergh) family, vassals of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the lords of Bertrange (near Luxembourg).
Coat of arms of the lords of Bertrange (near Thionville).
Coat of arms of the Bertrix family, lords of Senon.
Coat of arms of the lords of Berwart.
Coat of arms of John of Berwart, senechal of Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of William of Berwart.
Coat of arms of the lords of Bettembourg, (called Vous).
Coat of arms of the lords of Bettendorf and Kewenig.
Coat of arms of the Beyer of Boppart family, rhenan chivalry.
Coat of arms of the Beyer of Boppart family (14th century, quartered arms lacking image), rhenan chivalry.
Coat of arms of the Binsfeld family, vassals of the dukes of Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of the Birsdorf (or Bondorf, or Bellain) family.
Coat of arms of the Bissen family, descended from the lords of Esch-sur-Sûre.
Coat of arms of the lords and counts of Blâmont (ger. Blankenberg).
Coat of arms of the lords and counts of Blankenheim.
Coat of arms of the lords of Bollendorf.
Coat of arms of the lords of Boneffe.
Coat of arms of the Boos lords of Waldeck.
Coat of arms of the lords of Boulange.
Coat of arms of the lords of Boulant(or Boland, Bollant), a branch of the lords of Houffalize.
Coat of arms of the lords of Boulay, chivalry.
Coat of arms of the lords of Boulay, Useldange and Soleuvre.
Coat of arms of the lords of Boulay, Useldange and Soleuvre.
Coat of arms of the Boulich family.
Coat of arms of the Bouligny family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Bourscheid, chivalry.
Coat of arms of the lords of Bouvigny.
Coat of arms of the family Boyart, burggraves of Malberg.
Coat of arms of the lords of Brandenbourg, branch of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the lords of Clervaux and Meysembourg, branch of the lords of Brandenbourg.
Coat of arms of the Braun of Schmidtburg family.
Coat of arms of the Breidscheid family, vassals of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the Breidscheid family, vassals of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the lords of Briey (said of Landres).
Coat of arms of the Biffoz lords of Tohogne and Villers-aux-Tours.
Coat of arms of the lords of Brouch.
Coat of arms of the lords of Brouch, branch of the house of Meysembourg.
Coat of arms of the Brucken family, vassals of the dukes of Lorraine.
Coat of arms of the Bubingen family, (vassals or burggraves of a family of the same name).
Coat of arms of the Bubingen family, (vassals or burggraves of a family of the same name).
Coat of arms of the Budange (or Budingen) family.
Coat of arms of the Budange (or Boudange, Bodange) family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Busancy.
Coat of arms of the Callenbach (or Kaldenbach) family.
Coat of arms of the Celles family, vassals of Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of the Cesse family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Chambley.
Coat of arms of Champy family.
Coat of arms of Chastelet (near Habbay-la-Neuve) family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Chastelet (near Neufchâteau (Lorraine?)).
Coat of arms of the lords of Chavency (or Chauvency), branch of the counts of Looz.
Coat of arms of Gerard of Chavency (or Chauvency) (1366).
Coat of arms of Louis of Chavency (or Chauvency) (1366), brother of the preceding.
Coat of arms of the lords of Chérisey.
Coat of arms of the lords of Chêne (or Chesne) and Soleuvre.
Coat of arms of the family of Chinery, lords of la Grange.
Coat of arms of the family of Chinery, lords of la Grange.
Coat of arms of the counts of Chiny.
Coat of arms of the Clabay family, lords of Linger, Hautcharage and Soleuvre.
Coat of arms of the lords of Clemency.
Coat of arms of Gerard of Clemency, provost of Montmédy in 1446.
Probable coat of arms of the first dynasty of the lords of Clervaux.
Coat of arms of the lords of Clervaux, branch of the Meysembourg family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Colpach.
Coat of arms of the lords of Lower-Colpach.
Coat of arms of the lords of Conflans.
Coat of arms of the lords of Cons.
Coat of arms of the lords of Craincourt (said of Wauthiemont or Weltersberg).
Coat of arms of the lords of Crainhem.
Coat of arms of the lords of Créhange (called Torcheville until the 13th century).
Coat of arms of the lords and counts of Créhange and Pittange.
Coat of arms of the Croeff family, vassals of the lords of Daun.
Coat of arms of the Cronberg (or Kronberg, Cronenberg) family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Cronenbourg, branch of the Dollendorf.
Coat of arms of the Crummel of Nechtersheim family, lords of Beaufort in the 15th century.
Coat of arms of the lords of Crupet.
Coat of arms of the lords of Cugnon.
Coat of arms of the lords of Cussigny (or Custigny), vassals of Luxembourg and of Bar.
Coat of arms of the lords of Custine (named Saint-Vincent until the middle of the 14th century).
Coat of arms of the lords of Custine and Lombut.
Coat of arms of the lords of Dagstuhl.
Coat of arms of the Dalstein family, a branch of those of Brandenbourg.
Coat of arms of the burggraves of Dasbourg.
Coat of arms of the lords of Daun.
Coat of arms of the Daun family, lords of Oberstein and Broich.
Coat of arms of the Daun family, lords of Oberstein and Broich.
Coat of arms of the Daun family, lords of Densborn, hereditary marshals of Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of the Daun (or Dunegin, Adenau) family, vassals of the lords of Daun.
Coat of arms of the lords of Dave.
Coat of arms of the lords of Dave.
Coat of arms of the lords of Daverdis (or Daverdisse), a branch of the lords of Wellin.
Coat of arms of the lords of Diestroff (or Diestorf).
Coat of arms of the lords of Differdange, a branch of the lords of Soleuvre.
Coat of arms of the Differdange family, maybe burgmannen.
Coat of arms of the lords of Dollendorf.
Coat of arms of the lords of Dudelange.
Coat of arms of the lords of Dudeldorf, vassals of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the Dudeldorf family.
Coat of arms of John of Dunnerdorf, provost of Arlon in 1332.
Coat of arms of the lords of Ell.
Coat of arms of John of Ell, knight and provost of Arlon in 1383, said to be brother of Raoul of Sterpenich from 1355 and 1371.
Coat of arms of the Ellenbach family.
Coat of arms of the Ellenbach family.
Coat of arms of the Ellenz family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Eltz Kempenich.
Coat of arms of the lords of Eltz Rübenach.
Coat of arms of the Elvange family.
Coat of arms of the Erdorf family, vassals of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the Erdorf family, burgmannen of Malberg, (Loutsch assumes a branch of the other Erdorf family but a link with the Boyart family would seem more logical to me).
Coat of arms of the lords of Erpeldange, branch (maybe bastard) or vassals of the Kerpen family.
Coat of arms of the counts and lords of Esch (sur-Sûre).
Coat of arms of the d'Esch (or Desch, Dex) family, seems to be a branch of the lords of Esch.
Coat of arms of the lords of Esch (Bourgesch).
Coat of arms of the lords of Esch (sur-Salm, or Udenesch).
Coat of arms of the Espinal family, lords of Montquintin and Fontoy.
Coat of arms of the Espinal family, lords of Cons-la-Grandville.
Coat of arms of the lords of Ethe.
Coat of arms of the lords of Failly (Grand-).
Coat of arms of the lords of Failly (Petit-) (lacking image).
Coat of arms of the lords of Faing and Jamoigne.
Coat of arms of Falkenhain family (said Spiess), vassals of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the lords of Falkenstein (near Vianden), branch of the Brandenbourg.
Coat of arms of the lords of Falkenstein.
Coat of arms of the lords of Fauquemont, branch of the counts of Cléves-Heinsberg.
Coat of arms of the lords of Falkenstein, branch of the counts of Cléves-Heinsberg.
Coat of arms of the Faust of Stromberg family, vassals of the counts of Sponheim.
Coat of arms the Feltzberg (or Felsberg) family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Fénestrange (ger. Vinstingen) (originally named Malberg).
Coat of arms of the Fénestrange family, bastard branch of the lords of Fénestrange, vassals of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the Ficquelmont family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Fischbach.
Coat of arms of the lords of Fisenne.
Coat of arms of the lords of Fisenne.
Coat of arms of the Flade (or Fladen) family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Fléville.
Coat of arms of the Flodorf (or Flodorp) family.
Coat of arms the lords of Florange.
Coat of arms of the lords of Florenville, branch of the lords of Trazegnies.
Coat of arms of the Fock of Hubingen family, vassals of the lords of Larochette.
Coat of arms of the lords of Fontois (or Fontoy).
Coat of arms of the lords of Fontois (or Fontoy).
Coat of arms of the Fontois (or Fontoy) family, probably vassals of the lords of the same name.
Coat of arms of the lords of Forbach.
Coat of arms of the lords of Forge (or Forges).
Coat of arms of the Gaus of Bitbourg family, branch of the Geisen of Bitbourg.
Coat of arms of the Geisen (or Geissen) of Bitbourg (and Bettingen) family, burgmannen of Bitbourg.
Coat of arms of the lords of Gemeppe (or Jemeppe).
Coat of arms of the Gesves family.
Coat of arms of the burggraves (?) of Gommery (or Gomery).
Coat of arms of the lords of Gonderange (or Gonderingen).
Coat of arms of the Gondersdorf family, lords of Erpeldange.
Coat of aarms of the counts of Grandpré, related to the counts of Luxembourg and those of Esch.
Coat of arms of the Grandpré-Houffalize family, counts of Roussy and lords of Houffalize, branch of the counts of Grandrpré and bastard branch of the counts of Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of the lords of Guirsch.
Coat of arms of the Gymnich family, branch established in Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of the Gymnich family, lords of Dudelange.
Coat of arms of the Gymnich family, lords of Dudelange.
Coat of arms of the Gymnich family, lords of Berbourg.
Coat of arms of the Hagen (said de la Motte) (or de la la Haye des Mottes) family.
Coat of arms of the Ham family, maybe a bastard branch of the lords of Ham (or Hamm) who used a seal bearing an inescutcheon and a label.
Coat of arms of the Hamal family.
Coat of arms of the Hamal family, bastard branch of the preceding.
Coat of arms of the lords of Hamberg (or Homberg, Hombourg), knighthood, branch of the lords of Raville.
Coat of arms of the Harange (or Heringen) family.
Coat of arms of the Haraucourt family.
Coat of arms of the Haraucourt family.
Coat of arms of the Harzee family, maybe the first lords of Harzé.
Coat of arms of lords of Harzee (or Harzé), branch of the count of Clermont.
Coat of arms of the Hattstein family, branch of the Reifenberg.
Coat of arms of the Hautoy family, pretending descent from the counts of Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of the lords of Hayange.
Coat of arms of the lords of Heddesdorf.
Coat of arms of the Heffingen family.
Coat of arms of the Herbemont family.
Coat of arms of the Herberen (or Herbern, Herborn) family.
Coat of arms of the Hersdorf family, from the county of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the Hesperange family, branch of the lords of Rodemack.
Coat of arms of the Hesse of Hilbringen family.
Coat of arms of the Heu family.
Coat of arms of the Heu family, lords of Clervaux and Beaufort.
Coat of arms of the Heumont family, lords of Athus and Rodange among others.
Coat of arms of the Hewerdingen (said of Kewenich, originally Saurzapf) family, lords of Habergy and Kewenig.
Coat of arms of the von der Heyden family, in the county of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the burgmannen of Hillesheim.
Coat of arms of the Hoecklin (or Höcklin) of Steineck family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Hollenfeltz (or Hollenfels).
Coat of arms of the lords of Hombourg (on the Canner).
Coat of arms of the Hombourg family, from the county of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the Hondelange family.
Coat of arms of the Hondelange family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Houffalize.
Coat of arms of the lords of Houffalize.
Coat of arms of the lords of Houffalize according to the Wijnbergen Armorial.
Coat of arms of the Houffalize family, probably men of the fief.
Coat of arms of the Housse family, lords of Boulange.
Coat of arms of Peter of Hubines, 49th abbot of Echternach.
Coat of arms of the lords of Hubines (ou Hubinne, Hubingen).
Coat of arms of the Huncherange family, branch of the lords of Rodemack.
Coat of arms of the advocati and lords of Hunolstein (Vogt of Hunolstein).
Coat of arms of the Hunolstein family, Luxembourgo-Lorraine branch of that family.
Coat of arms of the Hurt of Schoeneck (or Schöneck) family, a branch lords of Beaufort.
Coat of arms of the counts of Isembourg (or Isemburg, Isenburg).
Coat of arms of the lords of Jametz (or Jamez).
Coat of arms of the lords of Jeandelaincourt.
Coat of arms of the Jegen (or Jeghen, Gegen) family, vassals of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the Junkerode (or Jünkerath) family, branch of the lords of Schleiden, vassals of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the Junkerode (or Jünkerath) family, branch of the lords of Schleiden, vassals of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the lords of Kahler, probably a branch of the lords of Septfontaines.
Coat of arms of the Kaldenborn familly.
Coat of arms of the Kämmerer of Worms familly.
Coat of arms of the Kämmerer of Worms (said of Dalberg) family, lords of Dalberg.
Coat of arms of the lords of Dalberg.
Coat of arms of the lords of Bohan, branch of the lords of Orchimont.
Coat of arms of the Kayl family, same origin as the lords of Bettembourg and the provosts of Remich.
Coat of arms of the Kempt family, lords of Aspelt.
Coat of arms of the lords of Kerpe, (Loutsch cites Möller who says this is the senior branch of the lords of Manderscheid, Loutsch on the other hand believes the opposite is the case).
Coat of arms of the lords of Kerpe, (Loutsch cites Möller who says this is the senior branch of the lords of Manderscheid, Loutsch on the other hand believes the opposite is the case).
Coat of arms of Arnold of Kettenheim, provost of Arlon in 1413.
Coat of arms of the lords of Cattenom (or Kettenhoven).
Coat of arms of the lords of Kirkel, branch of the Siersberg family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Koerich, branch of the lords of Bertrange.
Coat of arms of the Koerich family, vassals of the lords of Koerich, maybe a bastard branch of the first lords of Koerich.
Coat of arms of Thomas of Koerich, abbot of Munster from 1274 to 1292, of the family of the first lords of Koerich.
Coat of arms of the Koppenstein family.
Coat of arms of the La Falloise family.
Coat of arms of the lords of La Grange.
Coat of arms of the counts of La Marck.
Coat of arms of the La Marck family, branch of the counts of La Marck, established in Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of the Landscheid family, men of the fief of the county of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the lords of Landskron.
Coat of arms of the Lannoix (or Lannoy) family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Lannoy.
Coat of arms of the Lardenois de Ville family.
Coat of arms of the Lardenois de Ville family, bastard branch of the preceding.
Coat of arms of the lords of Larochette (von der Feltz).
Coat of arms of a junior branch of the lords of Larochette (von der Feltz).
Coat of arms of the Larochette familt, branch of the lords of Larochette.
Coat of rms of the Larochette family, either a junior family member of the lords of Larochette or a man of the fief of those lords.
Coat of arms of the lords of La Tour en Ardenne.
Coat of arms of the lords of La Tour end Ardenne, branch of the lords of Chambley.
Coat of arms of Winchelin lord of La Tour end Ardenne, bailif of Saint Mihiel in 1418 and of Vitry in 1438 and 1442, son of Gilles bastard of Luxembourg, his descendants returned to the use of the arms of La Tour-Chambley.
Coat of arms of the Laudolff of Birtbourg family, descended from the provosts of Bitbourg.
Coat of arms of the counts of Leiningen.
Coat of arms of the Lellich family, vassals of the lords of Berbourg.
Coat of arms of the Lenoncourt (or Nancy) family, lords of Nancy.
Coat of arms of the Leuze family, Loutsch says a branch of the lords of Juppleu but it seems to me the opposite might be the case.
Coat of arms of the Liessem (or Liesheim) family.
Coat of arms of the Limpach family.
Coat of arms of the Limpach family.
Coat of arms of the Limpach family,(not related to Limpach 1 and 2).
Coat of arms of the lords of Linster.
Coat of arms of the Linster family.
Coat of arms of the Linster family.
Coat of arms of the Lissingen family.
Coat of arms of the Lissingen family (called Jegen).
Coat of arms of the lords of Lombut (or Lombu).
Coat of arms of the Lontzen family (called Roben).
Coat of arms of the Looz family, counts of Chiny.
Coat of arms of the Louppy family.
Coat of arms of the Luttange family.
Coat of arms of the Lutz family.
Coat of arms of the counts of Lützelbourg (or Lützelburg) (not to be confused with the counts of Luxembourg also said Lützelburg).
Coat of arms of the Lützelbourg (or Lützelburg) family, lords of Fléville, branch of the counts of Lutzelbourg.
Coat of arms of the Luxembourg family, burgmannen of Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of the lords of Malberg (2nd dynasty), probably the senior branch of the lords of Reifferscheid.
Coat of arms of the Malberg family, lords of Sainte-Marie and Ouren.
Coat of arms of lords of Manderscheid.
Coat of arms of William the younger of Manderscheid, branch of Manderscheid-Detzen.
Coat of arms of the Manderscheid family, branch of Manderscheid-Detzen.
Coat of arms of the counts of Manderscheid-Blankenheim.
Coat of arms of the lords and barons of Manonville.
Coat of arms of the Marley (or Marly) family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Martilly.
Coat of arms of the Mascherel (or Maschereil).
Coat of arms of the lords of Mellier, branch of the counts of Chiny.
Coat of arms of the lords of Mellier, branch of the counts of Chiny.
Coat of arms of the Mellier family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Mengen, branch of the lords of Warnesberg-Raville.
Coat of arms of the lords of Mengen, branch of the lords of Warnesberg-Raville.
Coat of arms of the lords of Mengen, branch of the lords of Warnesberg-Raville.
Coat of arms of the Mercy family.
Coat of arms of the Merode (or Mérode) family (said Scheiffart).
Coat of arms of the Merode (or Mérode) family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Mersch (2nd dynasty), branch of the lords of Rodemack.
Coat of arms of the lords of Mersch (2nd dynasty), branch of the lords of Rodemack.
Coat of arms of the lords of Mersch (2nd dynasty), branch of the lords of Rodemack.
Coat of arms of the lords of Mersch (2nd dynasty), branch of the lords of Rodemack.
Coat of arms of the lords of Mersch (2nd dynasty), branch of the lords of Rodemack.
Coat of arms of the lords of Mesnil.
Coat of arms of the lords of Mesnil (said Massin).
Coat of arms of the lords of Mesnil (said Massin).
Coat of arms of the lords of Messancy.
Coat of arms of the lords of Messancy.
Coat of arms of the Metzenhausen family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Meysembourg.
Coat of arms of the lords of Meysembourg.
Coat of arms of the lords of Milberg (ou Milburg, Mirabel), branch of the lors of Rodemack.
Coat of arms of the lords of Milberg (ou Milburg, Mirabel), branch of the lors of Rodemack.
Coat of arms of the Milberg family, Ham branch, branch of the lords of Rodemack.
Coat of arms of the Mirwart family.
Coat of arms of the Modave family.
Coat of arms of the Moesdorf family, apaprently of the same origin as the lords of Houffalize.
Coat of arms of the Mohr lords of Sötern (or Soetern).
Coat of arms of the Mohr of Wald, chivalry or ministerialis serving the lords of Daun.
Coat of arms of lords of Moncler.
Coat of arms of the Montfort family, vassals of the dukes of Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of the Montjardin family, vassals of the counts and dukes of Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of the Montjardin family, vassals of the counts and dukes of Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of Walram lord of Montjoie (or Monschau) and of Poilvache, member of the family of the dukes of Limbourg.
Coat of arms of the Montoy family.
Coat of arms of the Montplainchamps family.
Coat of arms of the Montplainchamps family.
Coat of arms of the Montplainchamps family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Mont Saint Jean, probably not the family from Luxembourg, so an error.
Coat of arms of the Muel of Neuerbourg family, vassals of the counts of Luxembourg.
Coat of arms of the Muhl (or Mühl) of Ulmen family.
Coat of arms of the counts of Nassau.
Coat of arms of the Nassau family, counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the Nattenheim family.
Coat of arms of the Naves family.
Coat of arms of the Nettancourt family.
Coat of arms of the Neuenahr family, branch of the counts of Neuenahr.
Coat of arms of the Neuerbourg (or Neuerburg).
Coat of arms of the lords of Neuerbourg (or Neuerburg), branch of the counts of Vianden.
Coat of arms of the Neuerbourg (or Neuerburg) family, maybe a bastard branch of the lords of Neuerbourg, or maybe burgmannen.
Coat of arms of the Neufchâteau family, branch of the lords of Mellier.
Coat of arms of the Neufchâtel family, lords of Berbourg and of Soleuvre, branch of the lords of Neufchâtel.
Coat of arms of the Neufforge (or Neuveforge) family, branch of the lords of Leuse.
Coat of arms of the lords of Neumagen.
Coat of arms of the Neuville (or Neufville) (-en-Verdunois) family.
Coat of arms of the Noville (-lez-Bastogne) family, men of the fief.
Coat of arms of the lords of Obange (or Aubange), branch of the lords of Rodange.
Coat of arms of the Obange (or Aubange) family, branch of the lords of Obange.
Coat of arms of the Ochain family (who pretended to be descending from the dukes of Normandy).
Coat of arms of the Ochain family (who pretended to be descending from the dukes of Normandy).
Coat of arms of the lords of Orchimont.
Coat of arms of the Orchimont family.
Coat of arms of the Oreux family.
Coat of arms of the Orey family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Oriocourt.
Coat of arms of the lords of Orjo (ou Orgeo), branch of the lords of Walcourt.
Coat of arms of the Orjo of Marchovelette family, branch of the lords of Orjo.
Coat of arms of the Orley (or Urley) family, lords of Linster.
Coat of arms of the Orley of Beaufort family, branch of the Orley family, lords of Beaufort.
Coat of arms of the Orne family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Ottange.
Coat of arms of the lords of Ouren.
Coat of arms of Conon IV of Ouren.
Coat of arms of the Outscheid family.
Coat of arms of the Pallant family.
Coat of arms of the Pavant family.
Coat of arms of the Piesport family.
Coat of arms of the Pillich (or Billich, often called Brechwald) family, provosts of Wasserbillig in the 14th century.
Coat of arms of the lords of Pittange (ou Pettange, près de Mersch).
Coat of arms of the Pittange family, maybe a junior branch.
Coat of arms of the Pittange family, maybe a junior branch.
Coat of arms of the Pittange family, branch of the lords of Pittange descending in female line from the lords of Houffalize.
Coat of arms of the Plick of Lichtenberg family.
Coat of arms of the Plick of Orvick family.
Coat of arms of the lords of Pouilly.
Coat of arms of the Pouilly family, branch of Awamey of the lords of Pouilly.
Coat of arms of the Preisch (or Pris) family.
Coat of arms of the Preisch (or Priis) family, branch of the Aspelt family.
Coat of arms of the Presseux family.
Coat of arms of the Presseux family.
Coat of arms of the Puttelange family.
Coat of arms of the Randeck family, vassals of the dukes of Luxembourg in the 14th century.
Coat of arms of the lords of Rappweiler.
Coat of arms of the lords of Rappweiler.
Coat of arms of the Rathsamhausen zum Stein (La Roche) family.
Coat of arms of the Raugraf (or Raugrave, Rougrave).
Coat of arms of the Raugraf (or Raugrave, Rougrave), junior branch.
Coat of arms of the lords of Raville.
Coat of arms of the lords of Raville and of Septfontaine.
Coat of arms of the lords of Raville, of Septfontaine and Daun-Densborn, hereditary marshals of Luxembourg.
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