Bwave lives in southern Delaware and works in Salisbury, MD. I've been using Wikipedia for about a year (since late 2004) whenever I needed a quick answer to something perplexing me. On November 29, 2005, after 3am when I couldn't sleep, I was reading an article on Slashdot which linked to a Wiki article, which further linked to List_of_U.S._states_that_were_never_territories, which further linked to Delaware, which further linked to Delaware#Media which lead to WBOC for which no article existed.

I had never created a Wiki article before, never really realizing just anybody could do so, but recalled just a couple weeks before that a friend stated he had edited a page for the King_Diamond_(band). WBOC is a customer of mine, so I am somewhat familar with them, and felt I had information to offer. I hope to continue adding content when I feel appropriate.

I repair computers for a living, and my hobbies include sleeping and an occasional round of golf. I am allergic to cows, and I hate SUV's. My typical body temperature is 97.2F, and prefer a colder than average room temperature.

My favorite quote is from Ambrose Bierce: "Genius -- To know without having learned; to draw just conclusions from unknown premises; to discern the soul of things."

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